Example sentences of "what can [be] " in BNC.

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1 One of the nurses rings back , discusses the situation and says she will ring the hospital and/or his GP to see what can be done .
2 What can be deduced from a self-portrait is often controversial ; a critic is especially likely to read into a self-portrait some opinion held about the artist .
3 The modes which he adopted were such as to licence elisions and lacunae , to enable him to leave out bits of his life — a procedure which would seem to be connected with his scepticism about what can be known about people by biographers .
4 It is surprising what can be achieved in an old and complex building to provide for disabled people and also how much the internal and external architecture can benefit from the refurbishment that the opportunities of converting a building for disabled access can provide .
5 But if attempts to produce this concrete research are doomed to neglect or derision or to be defined as ‘ espionage ’ , then what can be achieved ?
6 But Fodor goes on to argue that much of what can be said about reflexes can also be said about processes which we would normally regard as ‘ cognitive ’ rather than ‘ neurological ’ or ‘ behavioural ’ : the parsing of heard sentences , for example .
7 He based the latter on his research into Victorian and Edwardian ‘ salon ’ music and showed what can be done by looking into such highways and byways of music when a particular period atmosphere is needed .
8 Choreographers however should avoid what can be called a purely technical analysis of the music by matching particular patterns of steps to particular musical phrases whenever they appear .
9 Choreographers today also need to understand what can be called a Grammar of Choreography if their work is to emerge as a valid stage presentation .
10 This demonstrates what can be done with two simple movements to hold an audience 's attention .
11 The above examples demonstrate what can be done if a ballet is to communicate meaning beyond that of distinguishing between the world of the flesh and that of the spirit .
12 It is this particular way of playing which makes Ashton 's La Fille Mal Gardée what can be called a National Ballet in the same sense that both The Firebird and Petrushka can be called Russian National Ballets and Rodeo and Fall River Legend American .
13 Such theories have helped to free dancers from the strict conventions of classical technique and to develop what can be called body language .
14 Choreographers today choose to interpret a vast range of subjects through what can be termed the purely physical movements of the body , sometimes coloured by moods ranging from the tragic to the comic and even the ridiculous .
15 They sometimes create what can be called highly intellectual concepts such as the case-history of a mental patient , which require a distinctive style .
16 What can be done to stop the spread of this silent architectural disease creeping through the veins and arteries of our cities ?
17 What can be so easy as this when the critic has to be responsible for nothing ?
18 It offers a reminder of what can be achieved without recourse to star names or the Vienna Philharmonic .
19 ‘ I 'm just pleased I had the idea and that anglers with a lot more skill than me are showing what can be done with it , ’ he said modestly .
20 But what can be done ?
21 This is well below what can be obtained from building societies .
22 And then there is the hypothesis put to the A 's Tony La Russa , the lawyer-manager and quiet ringmaster of what can be a wild Oakland circus troupe : ‘ What do you do if Will Clark ( the Giants big-hitting first baseman ) comes to the plate with the bases loaded ? ’
23 What can be discounted as nonsense on the other hand is the conclusion drawn by a Soviet historian with regard to the Tambov revolt : ‘ In that period the kulaks ’ political banditry became the most important means of struggle by international imperialism , Antonov could not even make contact with subversive elements in Kursk guberniia , let alone London .
24 The successful work that was done to eradicate smallpox some years ago shows what can be achieved .
25 The great British films all tap into a problem , the gap between what is felt and what can be expressed , that is universal but gains a particular inflection from being seen in the British context .
26 ‘ The experience of those authorities who have contained the increase to manageable levels shows what can be done . ’
27 It was Japan , the most energy-intensive country in the world , though , that showed what can be done .
28 The unexpected usually occurs in military affairs for the simple reason that what can be foreseen can be deterred and so tends not to happen .
29 ‘ Lively discussions ’ are expected in the congress on what can be done to help the casualties of economic reform .
30 Among the supporters of what can be called , for want of a better term , the democrats are three important groups .
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