Example sentences of "would have more " in BNC.

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1 It claimed patients would have more choice over which hospital they went to , but in fact they would have less because they would have to go to the hospital with which their district health authority had placed a contract , he said .
2 Peter Lilley looked like he would have more time than most to do so .
3 During his two years at Lib Dem headquarters he insisted on being paid nothing because he felt he would have more authority and room for manoeuvre that way .
4 Sex , religion , PE , music , games , languages … whatever was on the curriculum at school would , on such a system , be taught by an expert , but no member of the teaching staff would have more general responsibilities .
5 We would , therefore , not be so tired at the end of the day and would have more energy to enjoy evening activities .
6 Managers would have more predictable work flow , and owners would earn higher profits as their share from the increased efficiency of operation .
7 Larissa , 40 , became a teacher so that she would have more time with her children , but she spends most of her spare time in queues .
8 The cynic in me says it is because the larger firms do not do small audits and because abolition would cause problems for the ACCA , which would have more difficulty maintaining an audit regulatory presence as fewer of their members would be auditing .
9 She remembered the doctor telling her , as gently as he could , that it was unlikely that she would have more children , and the shocked look on her husband 's face when he heard the news .
10 ‘ If Gazza became available at the end of the season , we would go for him , and we would have more pull than most .
11 ‘ If he became available at the end of the season , the answer is yes , we would go for him , and we would have more pull than most .
12 Perhaps if we win here for two more matches before the Test England would have more cause to worry .
13 In this way , the highest transition probability would have more weight in the optimisation procedure .
14 You may feel that a local course would have more relevance to the job you want or appreciate the opportunity a local course gives you to make new contacts in the district where you will be working .
15 It was certain that some would have more and some less of the " lowest 40 per cent " nationally , however this target group was defined .
16 Third , effective operational planning of services for individuals would be fostered by the appointment of care managers who would have more flexibility to be innovative and would also work within a clear system of accountability to senior managers .
17 After bailiff 's expenses were charged to the debtor , the debtor found that only £7.35 was credit towards his debt , which a fair price for the car would have more than covered .
18 I wish shops would have more uniformity when it comes to sizing guides .
19 I knew that I would return to this island again when I would have more time to search .
20 I think it would have more impact , do n't you ?
21 The Bank would have more assets , matched by an increase in ‘ bankers ' deposits ’ .
22 I wish you would have more consideration for your undersexed readers .
23 Spruce could not help feeling that if he knew more about Hereward and Amy , he would have more of a grip on the case .
24 That would have more credibility if we were not spending more on the health service than the right hon. Gentleman even promised to spend .
25 The assembled kids would have more confidence in him if they continued to believe him a cop , rather that just the old man of one of their number chancing his arm .
26 It was a nuisance that the Telegraph was so vague about her address — she was n't even sure whether Herefordshire still existed as a county — but perhaps Bridget would have more exact details for her next day .
27 It soon became apparent the way we were being footed about , we would have more chance of convincing Rupert Murdoch to stand as a Member of Parliament for the Labour Party .
28 By definition , the selfish mutant would have more offspring than the other members of the , of the population , and if they had more offspring , before long the mutants would begin to become an increasing , an increasing number in the population .
29 The government would have more to spend , at the same time as real output would have risen offsetting unemployment .
30 Much as I was itching to play with the Bob Marley , I knew I would have more chance of parking Armstrong illegally when I collected Werewolf .
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