Example sentences of "would have on " in BNC.

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1 Easy to see what effect sudden nausea at even the thought of the big glass would have on a life lived in this way .
2 ‘ What seemed so hard at the beginning was the limitation that calling her Down 's and handicapped would have on her new life .
3 Kingfisher risks having its bid held up by a Monopolies Commission investigation because of the grip it would have on the electrical retailing market if it controlled Dixons and Currys as well as Comet .
4 What impact the British offer would have on the brain drain , which is expected to push over 10 per cent of the population out of the colony before China 's 1997 takeover , was not clear .
5 Mr Tony Benn , the Labour MP for Chesterfield , is concerned with the effect abolishing rights of common would have on the Greenham women 's protest .
6 The debate on these options in Whitehall was one-sided , because the RAF wanted to maintain its hold on the deterrent and the Navy was still uncertain about what effect a take-over bid would have on the future size and shape of the Fleet .
7 God knew what effect this would have on Mrs Browning , but as she went to bed that night she had no feelings of optimism left and already there yawned ahead a great void .
8 Less easy to determine is precisely what impact the newcomers , a familiar mixture of trade union officials and members of the teaching profession , would have on the political hue of the parliamentary party .
9 Mr Michael Bland , Thomas 's father , said yesterday it was too early to know exactly what bearing the ruling would have on his son 's case , but he said their campaign would continue .
10 Concern centred on what effect this radioactive sea would have on the health of people in the area , especially if they ate large quantities of fish .
11 At all three chosen sites — near the villages of Gwithian and Luxulyan and on military land at Nancekuke once used to store chemical weapons — there was immediate concern , particularly at the effect any sort of accident would have on the vital West Country tourist industry .
12 Francoise Jacquier , waiting in the Caribbean port of Limon for the start of the race , seemed more worried about the effects it would have on her .
13 ‘ I did n't realise the kind of effect the lay off because of the court case would have on us .
14 For my part I simply can not predict what effect , for good or ill , this kind of centralization would have on the education service .
15 Knowledge of the devastating effect which even a limited nuclear attack would have on the environment and the people in it has motivated increasing numbers to campaign vociferously for nuclear disarmament , either multilateral or unilateral .
16 No-one , except perhaps a few scientists , had any idea of the long-term effects the dropping of these two bombs would have on the unfortunate Japanese — and perhaps even the scientists were unsure .
17 She said that some of her council members were worried about the effect my outfit would have on the young girl athletes who were running at the meeting .
18 Rowell saw the tremendous influence a player like Halliday would have on any team .
19 An eighth would be influenced in their choice of new jobs or plans to start a family by the affect it would have on their pet .
20 This time I worked in a watercolour sketchbook , deliberately to achieve the softening effect that the paper would have on the marker inks as they spread into it .
21 By 1956 Britain had become concerned about the impact the EEC would have on its own economy and political role .
22 This was the independent variable , manipulated by the experimenters , and the dependent variable to be studied was the effect that these roles would have on the behaviour of the volunteers .
23 Renaissance , an annual symposium , is earnest , slightly religious and very southern ; you get the feeling that its tone is set by the kind of conversations about family and country that businessmen in Greenville , South Carolina would have on a Sunday after church or a round of golf .
24 An example of this sort of difficulty in English law is Launchbury v. Morgans in which the House of Lords declined to extend the vicarious liability of the owner of a car for negligence of its driver because it lacked information about the impact this would have on the insurance industry .
25 IN 1985 graduating from the Slavonic Studies Department , I had no idea of the influence that Russian would have on my life and job today .
26 As Dr Bennett , an expert on ovarian and uterine diseases , put it , because of the influence it would have on the character of English women ‘ it must not be used for virgins ’ .
27 In a muddled way , he expected that she might fall into his arms , that he would be able to comfort her and that one thing would lead to another ; and so absorbed had he become in the effect Sam 's death would have on his own affairs , that he had forgotten that it might have some other effect on Martha 's .
28 Again last week we talked about the feasibility of going to Australia for a week and the impact it would have on you after things like jetlag .
29 No one , in those early days of nuclear weaponry , seemed to have anticipated the adverse effect it would have on the men sheltering below .
30 People continued to go about their daily lives , make their plans , take decisions , eat , drink , love , pray for a good harvest , pray for rain , in complete ignorance of the dramatic effect this far-off encounter would have on their lives .
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