Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On May 17 1988 , Computergram Number 930 reported that DEC would give IBM OEM pact for 3480s * * * Siemens and Nixdorf backed IBM-DEC-Hewlett-Packard alternative Unix plan * * * Network Equipment was in dispute with Excelan over acquisition * * * Wang would unbundle VS operating system .
2 If anyone cut themselves , he could smell the scent of blood and would scamper towards it .
3 The health of the industry in the longer term , and hence the degree of independence Britain would attain in military aircraft production , would depend on the outcome .
4 Kinship , they believed , would contrast with the relations of production found in capitalist systems .
5 In these metaphysical realms things would have intrinsic natures and relational properties which would contrast with their intrinsic values just as in nature .
6 This would contrast with both a ‘ realist ’ aesthetics of meaning and modernist formalism .
7 They would thrive , and obediently they would unfold into their familiar selves .
8 On Jan. 14 Prime Minister Yildirim Akbulut had confirmed that the USA would double to 96 the number of combat aircraft stationed at the NATO military base at Incirlik .
9 Mr Lamont shocked analysts with the news that Government borrowing would double to £28bn next year .
10 But as the tables show , if interest rates rise again to the 15.4 per cent level of three years ago , this would double to £20 a month .
11 The number of council house owners in Darlington would double under new Conservative plans , Mr Fallon said this week .
12 Ironically it was the former Labour prime minister Clement Attlee who persuaded Parliament to spend £2 million for a new royal yacht , claiming it would double as a hospital ship in war time .
13 Meanwhile , the BBC SSO is holding fire on balloting its members until it receives more information about the merger to create a National Orchestra of Scotland , which would double as the orchestra for both the BBC and SO .
14 Mhm so it would double as kind of a suit
15 If current trends continued unchecked , they foresaw that the amount of carbon dioxide ( CO2 — the most important " greenhouse gas " ) in the atmosphere would double by the year 2030 ; global temperatures would rise by 1o-2o centigrade by 2030 and by 2o-4o centigrade by 2050 , while sea levels would rise by around 30 cm by 2030 .
16 Although it was possible that the site 's nuclear capacity would double in the future , there was no chance of a third power station .
17 At first , the expansion would be what is called inflationary : that is , the universe would double in size every tiny fraction of a second , just as prices double every year in certain countries .
18 I should be glad if Mr Henderson , USA , would transmit to the Shah the following observation of a general character which I believe is correct and in accordance with democratic principles .
19 Even if these were surmounted , two fundamental questions would remain about using the average wealth of a country as an index of the well-being of its citizens .
20 These hospitals would remain as part of the NHS , but would be given the freedom to run themselves .
21 Industrial manufacture would remain as the basic technique of production in the society which would replace capitalism .
22 Then you would remain as a group and could observe your own customs , those which do not conflict with our law . ’
23 Gorbachev , for the time being , would remain as President ; but he was to rule through a Council of State on which all the ten participating republics were represented , and management of the economy was to be entrusted to an inter-republican committee headed by the Russian prime minister Ivan Silaev .
24 In the light of that , will he reconsider the abolition of vacation hardship allowance , especially as it was abolished in clear breach of undertakings given in the House that it would remain as a safety net following the abolition of social security provision ?
25 In order to head off conflict with Ghana over the replacement , assurances were later given that Quainoo would remain as overall commander , with Dogonyaro in charge of field operations .
26 The parliament , designed to promote political and economic integration in the region , was formally established on Oct. 28 by Honduras , Guatemala , and El Salvador , but its credibility was immediately in question as neither Costa Rica nor Nicaragua had joined , for domestic constitutional reasons , and would remain as observers .
27 Bush accepted the resignation " with reluctance , regret , and a sense of personal loss " , and announced that Sununu would remain as counsellor to the President with Cabinet rank until March 1992 , in order to assist with the transition of responsibilities to his successor .
28 It had been expected that a limited corp of staff would remain as a support unit after the last aircraft departs in January .
29 It was also planned to rationalise operations in the UK , but Mr Heneaghan gave an assurance that Edinburgh , where his company employs five people , would remain as headquarters for the combined operation .
30 Before long all that would remain of The Haven would be yet another pile of rubble .
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