Example sentences of "would [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Did Brampton 's soul hover here , as he would for eternity , between heaven and hell ?
2 Would for instance , sort of ten o'clock er instead of the hour half an hour difference , be a possibility ?
3 The idea is that a user of Ardis , presently the largest wireless network and equally owned by Motorola and IBM Corp , would for example be able to talk to RAM Mobile Data users , says Reuter .
4 The hope that the BBC or ITV would move into this job as they would for Commonwealth or Olympic Games was never realistic but it has taken Sheffield a long time to come to terms with the fact .
5 None of that would of course be comprehensible to Moss and McGrindle , he wrote , to Pizzetti and Baiocchi , to Goldman and Goldstein , though Goldberg , to his credit , has had an inkling , has to some extent faced the thought that he might be wasting his whole life , for that 's what it comes down to in the end , he wrote , wasting a whole life when something useful might have been salvaged , something valuable perhaps , it is the refusal of those alternatives that occasionally makes one shiver .
6 They would of course let me know what was going on as soon as possible .
7 To do a complete job would of course require two rings and three pickup coils .
8 The 76-year-old Euro-MP , who currently lives in West Germany , said he would of course not rule out a run some time in the future but for the moment he feels he can do more to promote his country in the European parliament .
9 And when he pointed out that these were Irish , not British Trade unions they were talking about , it was sadly admitted that the English disease had poisoned the minds of many impressionable Irish trade unionists and that it would of course take time entirely to eradicate malign English influences from the land of Saints and Scholars .
10 Some would of course reply personally ( he had included postage ) .
11 As most of this is regular no real hard sell is needed , though diplomacy would of course help .
12 He would of course never dream of playing these tapes on the music centre at home , risking the derision of his children .
13 ‘ I just wanted to say that , we would of course be very sorry to lose you , you 've been a tremendous asset to the Department , even in the short time you 've been here .
14 I would of course have to write to Miss Kenton to tell her I might be passing by ; I would also need to see to the matter of the costumes .
15 Even Crosland took it for granted , in trying to disarm those critics who argued that comprehensives would damage standards , that pupils who would have gone to grammar schools would of course still be taught with those of their contemporaries who would also have gone to grammar schools .
16 It would of course be possible for a British Telecom engineer to disclose such information to the targets of the tapping .
17 This would of course be the case in actions in rem , which were brought precisely against the possessors of disputed objects .
18 The situation would of course be different if a method eventually became available whereby the sex of the offspring could be selected at conception .
19 One would of course expect library authorities with large establishments to spend more on training , and as Table 12 indicates , this is broadly true , though with two large libraries spending under £3,000 and four smaller libraries spending over £3,000 , it is not an inevitable relationship , as the authority ‘ training profiles ’ in Appendix 3 also clearly indicate .
20 Should Chouilly and Tours-sur-Marne replant these vineyards with the appropriate varieties , they would of course assume full grand status .
21 He would of course be equally or more aware of a nagging toothache , but there is the further difference that while he would shrink from awareness of the pain , in this case he wants to sustain and enhance the awareness just as he wanted to come to Regent 's Park in the first place , and can be judged to want it by the same kind of tests , for example his reluctance to be dragged away from the cage .
22 To have quoted a range of rates ( often varying quite widely around these typical figures ) would of course have been more comprehensive , but less helpful because of the way that the extremes of the ranges would have blurred the comparison between types .
23 This is not likely to be a significant item for the first five years or so , and we would of course have to give priority to selling our own unsold units first .
24 In fact if we took this argument to its logical conclusion we would of course be forced to reject Christianity itself , which in its fundamentals is a pre-modern view of the world .
25 A weapon like a stone sword would of course have been quite impracticable .
26 If he had no children , an emperor might adopt a son from another gens , or he might leave the throne to his sister 's son , who would of course bear the name of another family .
27 Had it been a different matter I would of course have asked your permission .
28 Should he do so — as he had sworn — why , his proctor would of course rubber-stamp the eradication of Stalinvast …
29 He would of course require a pastoral call even if he did not — and his car did not bode well — look like the kind of man Peter might hope for , as a breath of fresh air on the PCC ; as a possible churchwarden in place of old Sir Francis Mayhew who said he 'd done fifteen years which was more than enough ; or even as a parishioner willing to raise the £25,000 that the diocesan architect had said would have to be spent on Loxford church roof within the next three years .
30 A completely different classification of occupations would of course result .
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