Example sentences of "would [adv] of " in BNC.

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1 At any rate , though we would most of us like to maintain that Pound 's Fascism is a quite distinct issue from Pound 's poetry and his criticism , it is plain that we can not do this .
2 Based on the evidence of those first episodes of Butterflies back in 1978 , which of those two would most of us have put our money on to become a TV star ?
3 Full implementation of the directive , however , would not of itself meet all the accounting requirements of credit institutions .
4 Marigold , his wife , he would not of course have permitted to give womb-room to such a foreign body or to take the pill or consider any so-called reversible tube-tyings .
5 The initiate Marines would not of course practice with boltguns here , where shells could speed onward unimpeded by atmosphere or gravity , perhaps striking some incoming ship .
6 The mere fact that the photon 's colliding with the electron and bouncing off it into the microscope has the effect of changing the electron 's momentum would not of itself be disastrous .
7 Now in the past , any child with P K U would of grown up mentally handicapped and would not of reproduced itself , would n't have children .
8 dissenting ) that a breach of article 30 would not of itself give rise to a claim in damages by the injured party .
9 But if on the other hand the curtilage were particularly large , erm then er it it were otherwise unbuilt er it would not of necessity form part of the built area of the settlement , if the situation were on the periphery .
10 Five B status would not of course been allowed if this Committee been sitting .
11 Now I would say to you , without fear or favour , that the only people recruited in that period of my appointment that I would not of had in the Pathfinder Force were people that came in through some rather dubious trap-door .
12 that would be to completely undermine the effect of article eighty five , we simply would n't be able to raise our shield at all , we would have a counterclaim but at which point since we had no of what erm , for example as one of it 's principal defences , defences , erm we would say we 've made the plaintiffs case very much easier , they 've now got all our money , we 're bankrupt , we ca n't pursue our claim because we 've got no money to pursue it with in article eighty five would of been completely undermined because we would not of had a realistic opportunity to raise article eighty five as a defence and your Lordship to do that would of had to not only set aside the counterclaim as a set off , but also to set aside the entire eighty five defence to stayed it or to have set it aside
13 Speaking of young men , erm I have a letter here from Mr John who is our local M P , who is not able to be with us today , but erm he in fact would not of , I think , been born at that stage , but erm he did write to me a little letter I 've got this morning from the House of Commons in London and he asked me to read it out .
14 well business that would n't , my Lord , that 's perhaps the wrong description , business that would not of been written had the restrictions not been in place
15 but similar change of causation , restrictions imposed by of which they are members and which they are party and we would say we had the same defence to the extent that they had written business which would not of been risen if the restrictions had not been made
16 it 's completely anonymous number you know it 's only to be on that , said I 'll wipe it off then , you bloody well wo n't , I think he wants to tell people before he can say very wrong , could say something personal , if it was personal , no longer it , no you were n't personal to you , but I 'm quite happy to arrange it if you wish , no , no , no , no , no , , I should n't have to tell you not to take my points in full , there we go it 's driving me doing that in the factory having without people 's permission , I want to know , I ask permission if I 'd er wanted to as a without being asked to do it , I would of gone and seen personnel and asked , I would not of dreamed of doing it in a work 's situation unless I was asked , say anything personal I 'd turned it off not that it , apart from me and Stuart
17 they , they would normally of er received that during the year ending August nineteen ninety two
18 but it would still of had to risen
19 Seton , warned , would now of course do what he could to help the townsmen , but his actual authority was limited to this royal castle .
20 well we had one more tour after that , erm , but the and would really of referred to of stayed , made the next tour longer than two
21 I think she would of liked it er if her son was with her , she would really of liked him to be with her so that , cos she said he , he owns half the house
22 And , and , you know , they 've got paid youth officer 's working in Harlow , now they are , there are , they 're over they 're over stretched it 's true and , but we , I mean what were doing here is actually supplementing there service and were not meeting all , we would n't of erm meeting all the demands , but the important thing I think is that were continuing to erm , you know , were trying to do something about it , and one of the things that were trying to do as officer 's in the Local Government Unit is work with Leisure Services and get them to put more resources into doing things for young people .
23 or touching it and that pad should be big enough to cover the wound , so you should something , overlaps , alright , and then if you find , if you unwrap the roll a little bit further , you do n't want to unroll it completely , your see that if while you 're using it in practice you need to roll it up again backwards towards the back of the bandage like so , we 'll roll it up again , backwards and when you get to the bandage you just fold the bandage up around the long end and wind the short end round it firmly and there it 's ready for use again in practice , you would n't of course do that for real would you ?
24 on my own , brought them from Canada and I brought them up without any help from my ex-husband and I would n't of wanted it any other way .
25 I would n't of thought that were right , and all
26 Oh yes , I mean I just would n't of got anywhere with it
27 I 'm sure it 's like joining the circus I would n't of thought you 'd have a problem getting involved in it
28 The first May I fell out my garden and put my elbow out , this , this , this one right out which makes it awkward for me to use now , you know , I , I put that right out and therefore erm I had to go at , up to hospital and put that right and the follow the following , the following May my bed caught alight with electric blanket and that blazed all up , had my , had my bed all alight my double bed , the electric blanket and I 'd only just had it serviced and that went , that was the second May and the third May we were going on an outing me and erm Arthur that was lodging with me and he , we got out of the taxi at Parndon and it , he just collapsed and died at me feet so that 's the , that was the end of that and I 've been living here you know , since he went , and erm I used to be able to get anywhere with one stick cos I had arthritis in this right hip you see , I could get anywhere with one stick in the taxi , or anywhere and I went to my son 's , er which is now coming , I 've been here about twelve years in this bungalow , er eight years erm , eight years ago in No this November gone , I went down to my son 's , it was rather slippery and he took me down in the car and I , as I got out erm the car I said to him mind it 's very slippery , he said I wo n't let you fall mother he said , so I went in , but as I came out with one stick he still had n't got anything down , you know , if it had been a , a sort of erm sand or something down I would n't of slipped and I got half way in his car and out I fell and caught this left hip on the step , on the step and I dislocated my hip and it 's right out of the socket like that , it should be , and I ca n't have it put back because I 've had several coronaries in my life time and I can not have it put back you see
29 it would n't of gone directly to Mr no it would have gone to his er regional sales staff
30 it would n't of been put in if it had n't been accurate at the time
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