Example sentences of "would [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 The General Herborising was also conducted by the Demonstrator who led his more expert colleagues further afield , sometimes to the coast where they would remain for a couple of days or more .
2 Even if she could be brought to view his actions in his own light , he would remain for her the instrument of death .
3 Mrs Thatcher pledged that the relief would remain for as long as she was Prime Minister and the opposition parties appear unwilling to commit themselves to abolishing it .
4 Whatever secret he had been hoping to confide on that short walk to the House would remain for ever unspoken .
5 He realized how huge was that flying fortress-monastery of the Imperial Fists where he would remain for at least several years .
6 Soon this was to be entered and then only Tibet and Ethiopia would remain for a time unresponsive to European politics , ideas and technology .
7 This first-hand testimony , delivered with appropriate scholarly documentation , helped restore to the so called ‘ primitive ’ his full humanity and dignity ; it became intellectually inadmissible for tribesmen to be regarded as museum specimens who would remain for ever wayward children of nature and wards of paternalistic colonialism .
8 The train had already left Sion when the avalanche struck and with the possibility of further minor falls it had retreated to the sanctuary of the station where the passengers were told it would remain for the rest of the night .
9 If personality were irreversibly fixed by particular child-rearing practices the individual would remain for ever at the mercy of specific experiences in his past .
10 They returned to the room where she explained about Philpott 's heart attack and his subsequent convalescence at the Bellevue Hospital where he would remain for the next few days .
11 Normally the others would remain for another hour or so .
12 However , in accordance with the conventions of the time , and because of his anticipated death , much would remain for his executors to arrange .
13 It would be the end of all her high ambitions , and though the world would not greatly suffer thereby — for by now she had lost all confidence that anything she might say would alter the course of things — that crisis which was privately her own would remain for ever unresolved .
14 Theda 's eyes remained closed as the lumbering stagecoach rumbled its way from Newark , where she had caught it outside the Saracen 's Head , to Ashby-de-la-Zouch , where it would remain for the night before proceeding to Stafford .
15 Starting from Jan. 1 , 1994 , an estimated 20,000 separate tariffs , duties and other barriers would be lifted in five to 10 years ; however , tariffs on most sensitive goods , especially agricultural products , would remain for up to 15 years .
16 Then the men-at-arms under the two banners , the King 's and the Earl 's , had waited outside , and the rest had got round the gate and walked talking inside : the King Macbeth with less meat on him , like a man who fed at sea , and Siward of Northumbria the way he always was , with his chest round as a shield under his tunic , and only his hair and beard greyer than you would think for a man not much past fifty .
17 I would think for some of the younger ones who have n't seen or read a lot in the papers of where , what 's going on
18 Throughout the long evenings she worked in the garden and planned what bulbs she would plant for spring flowers .
19 Wyn devised a laborious system of communication where she held up letters and Norman would nod for ‘ yes ’ and shake his head for ‘ no ’ .
20 It is like those cases where women were , perhaps are , discriminated against because they were not ‘ strong ’ enough for a job or part of a job ; but most people would prefer for such a task a strapping wench to a seven-stone male weakling , who gets the sand kicked into his eyes by the beach bully , courtesy of the Charles Atlas advert .
21 ‘ I would prefer for John to stay in the 250 class .
22 The interim government would rule for two years before holding elections under the auspices of the UN and the Islamic Conference Organization .
23 It would persist for many generations .
24 He had chosen this woman specifically because she was the sort she was — a simple type , immediately responsive to the baby , no outside involvements , so she was free to give her entire time to him , willing to do without time off while the baby was still on the breast , and not expecting the massive salary most women would want for a job like this .
25 It 's the kind of environment I would want for visitors to London . ’
26 But I I really could n't I would never get the price I would want for the alphabet .
27 Because yes , we did say we were n't going to use tropical markets , erm perhaps in the view of some of the things Bob Plumtree 's been saying , perhaps that was a little bit premature , perhaps we would want for some countries tropical woods , might want to reconsider , but erm I think that 's something for the future , that 's not for this afternoon .
28 There are several splendid houses near Long Melford that would make for a gentle afternoon 's potter through the rooms and possessions of the rich of a few centuries ago .
29 Either because he had the hump or because he thought it would make for a good show he started smashing the footlights one by one .
30 Mr Maxwell said that his alterations — which he would make for publication in his newspapers — were to substitute the term ombudsman for readers ' representatives and to widen the clause in the code of practice which refers to non-payment of criminals to include those benefiting from a criminal act .
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