Example sentences of "would [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If the tip of one of them were damaged now , it would drip blood .
2 He expressed particular concern that the President would remain Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces , albeit nominally .
3 However the judges did order that margin notes made by the so-called nymphomaniac on their genital size , sexual skills and bedroom fantasies would remain secret .
4 On Oct. 26 the national conference elected Amadou Cheffou as Prime Minister for a 15-month transitional period ( Nov. 1 , 1991-Jan. 31 , 1993 ) ; on Oct. 11 the conference had confirmed that President Ali Saibou would remain head of state during the transition .
5 Pilger himself would remain editor in chief as agreed .
6 Sir Denys Henderson would remain chairman of the two groups .
7 The thought that Ace could go bad rankled him for some reason , and he mouthed a silent prayer that her judgment would remain sound .
8 Thus , if the law were changed in the manner outlined , the overwhelming majority of rape victims would remain female .
9 Even however , if the hereditary element were thus removed , there would remain controversy about the basis of selection for the rest .
10 Mr Gillespie would remain vice-chairman until his 65th birthday and be a director to the age of 75 .
11 The sensitive nature of the case was further inflamed by the woman 's near-complete recovery — after an initial medical prognosis had suggested that she would remain brain-damaged for life — a development which led some members of the black community , including Rev. Sharpton , to suggest that aspects of the attack had been fabricated .
12 It was not clear whether Mmusi would remain secretary-general of the ruling Botswana Democratic Party .
13 The world would remain unshaken over this but maybe the constable would have a gentle word with the unthinking reverser .
14 At a federal congress on May 28-31 in Bremen 97.4 per cent of delegates voted in favour of the election of Björn Engholm , 51 , as chair of the SPD in place of Hans-Jochen Vogel , 65 , who was retiring after four years ( but would remain chair of the SPD faction in the Bundestag .
15 According to Soviet sources , however , the US side had softened its previous position that Najibullah would have to be removed from power before elections could be held , and was now considering a compromise under which he would remain President but would give up control of the military , the security police and the media to non-partisan bodies .
16 Labour would throw money at industry .
17 ‘ Are you suggesting that Barney made up his mind to kill Angy and cold-bloodedly chose a method that would throw suspicion on someone else ?
18 He would throw paint imitating a comet ; and she would paint a part of the milky way .
19 Suzy 's parents were very concerned at her behaviour during mealtimes when , despite her nine years of age , she would refuse to eat unless fed , would throw food and utensils on the floor and often refuse food entirely .
20 ‘ I really just wanted to see somebody who had done some heinous crimes and find out if there was anything different about him that would throw light on demon possession , that type of thing , ’ he says .
21 Darwin was one of a small group of naturalists who took the opposite route , following Lyell in the search for natural processes at work in the present and the recent past that would throw light on the distribution of life around the globe today .
22 He realized that the structure of each species — and especially the development of the embryo — would throw light on the relationship of one form to another .
23 I would dip blanket after blanket in boiling water , wring them out almost without realising that I was scalding myself , take off the old strips of saturated cloth , wrap the new ones round each leg and tuck them into the corners of affected muscles , but half the time not really knowing what I was doing .
24 It was assumed that the following variables would influence issuance ( bearing in mind that the level of issuance observed results both from demand and supply influences ) .
25 It seems less likely that the other major structural differences between GGFHBS5 and GGFHFB1 would influence secretion .
26 But to be at his table , one would think South America were really there , to see a servant come in every day with ten or a dozen pine apples , as much as he can carry .
27 I accept that it is called the National Water Sports Centre but from the attitude of some you would think angling was not included .
28 Black Rozario 's just limping now he 's virtually a passenger and er I would think Forest have got a difficult decision to make a moment or two .
29 most were set by several … [ and ] although one compositor might set a whole book , he would not normally be working on that book alone but would intersperse work on other jobs when it was called for …
30 The schools would deliver core skills modules in the morning , and the college would deliver the other modules .
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