Example sentences of "all [vb base] he " in BNC.

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1 It is not , as they claim in their own idealistic illusions , because the leader loves them all equally , but because they are all persecuted equally by the primal father , the leader , and they all fear him equally .
2 We all hate him really … just that our jobs depend on him … but we 're all on your side .
3 Ov over there we have our wank teacher yeah called Mr McCarthy and we all hate him .
4 Oh do n't bother , for god if everyone gets you know like what you said before , he said he did n't like you , he did n't ask you out you know the first time , cos everyone was hassling him , if they all hassle him now , you 're not gon na get far are you ?
5 They all cackle with pleasure at the absurdity of it ; then , as soon as Harry has gone back into his room , they all mock him , walking back and forth about the room holding imaginary braces and letter , and talking with a German accent .
6 Peggy ’ — he put his hand out towards her — ‘ I 've got him where I want him , where we all want him .
7 Peter Scudamore has been king for the last seven seasons … but now its Richard Dunwoody 's turn to lead the race … he 's the best they say … the finest horseman … they all want him to win … suddenly the pressure 's on
8 ‘ They all say he 's very good .
9 Michael Bridges , the scientific journalist who first revealed to the public at large that this project existed — and we all owe him a great debt … ’
10 We all owe him a great debt of gratitude , and we wish him well .
11 ‘ And if we all watch him , Stefan , you , I , he ca n't do anything fatal .
12 It was now thrashing feebly about in the straw trying to get its tangle of legs in order , a whole , complete , new horse — when five minutes ago there had been nothing at all save him thinking Firelight had indigestion .
13 For they all like him .
14 He 's quite a strict trainer but we all like him .
15 Maybe he seeks a more thrustful mien so that when he goes to his nasty little hutch in the City and glares at his neurotically blinking little screen and barks into his cellular telephone for another tranche of lead futures or whatever , he comes over as just a trifle more macho than we all know him to be .
16 I think you all know him better than I do . ’
17 Yes , they all know him , you all know Johnny do n't you ?
18 Thank you friends , we all know him as the one million pound councillor .
19 ‘ We all know he is but it 's better we keep it quiet . ’
20 ‘ We all know he wants to be King himself . ’
21 ‘ Oh , we all know he 's your adoring slave .
22 quite a certain little somebody we all know he 's toys do it , no I put it there .
23 Ah yes I think they all know he 's coming now .
24 We all know he still fancies her he 's just trying to , you know keep it he 's just trying to forget it and try and act as normal as possible with her and hopefully things will get back to be back to what , what they were .
25 For past all doubt he was on that path , he did find the poor soul dead , he did run to the castle , like an honest man , and tell the sheriff what he had found .
26 ‘ I 'm sure my husband wo n't mind me saying that it was not his wealth which made us all respect him — although I 've heard my husband say many a time that the wealth of Mr D'Arcy of Moss Side by Manchester was of an enormity to make the sultans and pashas of the East take note — but it was not for that , not at all , that we , all of us who knew of him … ’
27 They all call 'im The Butcher . "
28 That 's why they all call him Coconut at school . ’
29 We all call him Mr Groovy — which he is n't , but it usually gets a laugh .
30 A hairdresser believes he sees the ghost of a fellow-soldier ; spends some years in a mental hospital ; on his release is rejected by his wife who he believes is ‘ denying him his existence ’ ; begins to think that everyone else is denying him his existence , perhaps because he was once shot at by a German and they all think he is dead ; spends his Sundays looking into the river for the bullet which missed him ; after his death , his wife discovers she is pregnant ; she lets it be known that the hairdresser has spoken to her by night and told her ‘ he was very happy that she had recognized the child as his , because that way she had stopped denying him his existence ’ ; when eventually she moves away from Piacenza , the hairdresser stops speaking to her by night .
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