Example sentences of "all [art] information " in BNC.

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1 You should make sure you know where the parents can be contacted , and that they have given you all the information you are likely to need about the child .
2 Lucy wanted a pamphlet by way of introduction ; Jay said , let's just get all the information together .
3 Woodworkers ' Workshop includes all the information needed to source machines and tools for a workshop , with further advice on insurance , floors , timber storage , and the best way to purchase tools .
4 The beer will have labels giving all the information it is felt the beer consumer needs .
5 I have for many years enjoyed dabbling with valve amplifiers , usually modifying old ones , but all the information I have has to be gleaned from circuit diagrams or an old Mullard handbook containing a selection of designs ( I 'm sure you know the one ! ) .
6 All the information about an object is stored on the computer within what is called a hierarchical database , meaning simply that the information is broken down from broad categories such as ‘ geography ’ into more specific ones such as ‘ continent ’ , ‘ country ’ , ‘ region ’ and so on .
7 I had no hesitation in giving all the information I had , ’ he said in his confession at the Old Bailey trial .
8 All the information he had ’ was enough to save the Russians ten years ' research .
9 Thus although we do not know how the DNA controls development , we are reasonably sure that it does carry almost all the information which has been produced by selection , and which is needed to control development .
10 Games rooms and reading rooms are fixtures in most hostels , and noticeboards , fellow hostellers and friendly wardens supply all the information you are likely to need about the local area .
11 But all the information garnered was kept .
12 Almost all the information that can now be brought to bear is fragmentary and indirect .
13 All the information gathered would be shared freely between GCHQ in Cheltenham and the NSA at Fort Meade in Virginia .
14 So while I take your point that you are prepared to give us all the information we seek , may I reserve the right to interrupt when it is absolutely necessary to do so ?
15 So if you want all the information gathered you can either follow in the footsteps and have your own expedition or you can buy the general leaflet for 10p from any News team member or NCT event including Open Houses , etc .
16 It fulfilled all functions and provided all the information that a diver needs in order to eliminate any possible problem areas encountered on a dive .
17 Be pleasant , do n't carp , but act like a corkscrew and draw out all the information you can .
18 These two reports remain the source of almost all the information about the eruption ; the Royal Society in particular went to great lengths to amass every possible scrap of information and even inserted a notice in The Times requesting anyone who had seen or heard anything to come forward .
19 If you have done your part correctly the subordinate should by now have all the information necessary to make up his own mind .
20 Not only must you keep an almost minute by minute diary of what you are doing and why , but once you have accumulated all the information you must then analyse it .
21 Nonetheless there are titles for which more than one source of information needs to be consulted — either because the titles are borderline choices , and/or because one source does not give all the information needed .
22 In response to these problems , a portable system was designed which contained all the information that a regular bureau would have .
23 All the information is updated by the library and the CAB together , and the libraries have the NACAB Basic Information pack .
24 All the information is then contained in only one file .
25 From the answers a narrative history can be written , and perhaps published in the local press or parish magazine , full credit ( with photographs ) being given to the people who provided all the information .
26 For the absolute beginner and those who lack the time or enthusiasm , the selection of a remedy can take place by considering primarily the very important symptoms of the remedies which have been printed in bold type , ignoring all the information in ordinary type .
27 ‘ This then , ’ he said , staring with mild reproof at the impassive faces of Regan and Harrison , ‘ is all the information we have on the Irish Republican Brotherhood ? ’
28 We may not always be completely happy with the published data we find in the Registrar-General 's reviews but we can not accuse him of using secondary sources when his organization has , in fact , collected all the information at first hand from the people themselves .
29 Of course , not all the information written on Interview schedules will be by means of completely pre-determined answer categories .
30 Of all the information available on species composition of predator diets , the most useful for the palaeontologist is that relating solely to species diversity .
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