Example sentences of "if [art] same " in BNC.

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1 This is not easy to do since most historians persist in speaking of ‘ The National Government ’ as if the same sort of government ruled from 1931 to 1940 .
2 One of the problems for the BHRCA was that more than one PPL licence may be needed ; for example , if the same music is played in the bar and reception , and both are self-contained .
3 In most systems , if a word is misspelt or miskeyed , that piece of data can only be retrieved if the same format is used during the retrieval process .
4 Whatever happens , even if the same coalition led by the Christian Democrats and Socialists gets back into power , things can never be the same again .
5 If the same applies with serial presentation , then the generalization-decrement argument offered by Kaye et al .
6 If the same holds true for contextual cues in latent inhibition , then giving an animal experience of the context alone ( i.e. without any presentations of the target stimulus ) should not eliminate the ability of the context to activate the associative information about the target stimulus that was established during pre-exposure ( e.g. the information that the target is followed by no significant event ) .
7 The materials may well have improved , but only time will tell if the same can be said of workmanship and design .
8 For example , a basalt flow which is moving over a dry , sandy surface is quite well-behaved and peaceful , but if the same flow were to advance on to an area of wet , boggy ground , or on to a snow-field , the water trapped beneath the lava may be heated up and turned into high-pressure steam .
9 If you 've already got one , check with us that he or she is acceptable for preparing mortgage documents : if the same one can work for both of us , you 'll save money .
10 If the same should happen to her , Margaret knows that Gemma will benefit to the tune of at least DOUBLE the original basic sum assured .
11 This will be so if the same work is done by fewer employees or by no employees at all .
12 If the same dose and type of insulin are given at the same time each day and either the food intake or the amount of physical activity fluctuates to a significant degree , the consequences are going to be unacceptable hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia .
13 Where the two offices were united in one structure , Angell and Pownall seem to have given them an equal place on the Foreign Office and War Department lists , no doubt thinking that the implementation of the project would be considerably easier if the same architect were carrying out both offices .
14 Cole and Marion ( 1988 ) have also examined visitor impact in three areas of east coast national parks to determine if the same conclusions apply to a different , more moist area than that of the and west .
15 If the same criteria is used however , as is used to determine the ‘ best practicable means ’ under the public health legislation , then the cost involved in complying with the conditions and the financial state of the company would be considered .
16 It follows that the necessary boundary conditions can not be satisfied for both solutions , if the same expressions for f and g are used .
17 If the same types of description are used ( name or NP ) , there is a greater likelihood that plural references will be made than if mixed descriptions are used .
18 If the same anticorrelation can be applied to the longer-term decline in the Sun 's diameter , it may provide a clue to the dearth of sunspots during the height of the Little Ice Age , 300 years ago .
19 It can be a success in the inner cities if the same principles are applied consistently by the Government and by leading people in business throughout Britain . ’
20 If the same ruling was applied to each session , e.g. 30 overs between lunch and tea , the regularity of enforcing the law would surely lead to a natural increase in over-rates .
21 It may be so , if it is a personal Christmas card list , for example ; but if the same modest list were to be headed ‘ suspected sympathisers with the X Party ’ ( or the Y terrorist group ) , or ‘ directors of companies believed to be trading with country Z ’ — there could be danger to those on the list if it fell into the hands of evil-minded zealots — and perhaps then the shorter the list the greater the danger .
22 This rarely happens but if the same ferret continues to do this it is advisable to discard it or use it only as a muzzled ferret .
23 He wondered if the same thing was happening to Alice .
24 The bowling rate for each batsman should start off at Slow for the first ‘ over ’ of six balls , then go to Medium for the next over , and Fast for the third over ; this sequence then repeating if the same batsman is still at the crease .
25 Can you shed any light on these deaths as I do n't want to get any more fish if the same thing is likely to happen again .
26 You are seeing what is happening in our poor ORIENTAL brother land INDONESIA — DO N'T BE SURPRISED IF THE SAME thing happens in BURMA — SOME DAY — IT IS NOT SO FAR OFF — WE BURMANS AND INDIANS UNITEDLY WILL KICK OUT you blood sucking BRITISHERS AND your GODDAM children the Eurasians — Ho !
27 If it was put into freezers it made things cold , but if the same electricity went into an oven it made things hot , so how did it know ?
28 It is extremely difficult for any practitioner to administer a test in exactly the same way on two occasions , even if the same child is being tested .
29 A script recognition system would also be more easily adapted to foreign languages ( if the same alphabet is used ) , than would a speech recognition system which would require completely different information about the phonology of other languages .
30 If the same stoves were to be tested together on a windy , winter morning , individual results would probably be very different .
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