Example sentences of "if [v-ing] for " in BNC.

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1 But she put an involuntary hand to her belly , as if checking for signs of life .
2 Josie glanced over the arrangements , as if checking for anything that she may have missed .
3 Usually he would choose the next direction without hesitation , but sometimes he would wait , head cocked , as if listening for far-off sounds .
4 For a moment he paused at the threshold , but then turned back inside , taking in the sight of an ivory chess set , a small telescope , a number of small fluted carvings , and the fine hangings adorning the wall , observing everything with a cocked head as if listening for something .
5 The reader may be doomed to disappointment in reading through an article with wide contextual terms of reference if looking for something as simple as descriptions of works of art , their interpretation and evaluation .
6 Clive searched his pockets , as if looking for a train ticket .
7 Its engine is missing badly and it 's circling round as if looking for a landing-place .
8 as if looking for a quarrel he went on to exaggerate the uncompromising nature of his position .
9 She examined her hands , white with chalk , as if looking for the source of some small pain , then gave up on that and began to dust herself down .
10 Mounce held the note up to the light , as if looking for a watermark .
11 He glanced back as if looking for signs of pursuit .
12 The blackjack tail as if looking for a target ,
13 They had waterskied , swooping round the northern end of Inch Island , making great arcs along the shore , as if looking for something .
14 All three glanced about the dockside , as if looking for somebody else .
15 Fortunately , Nevil was n't looking in his mirror , he had his head out of the driver 's window as if looking for a street name .
16 The trainer sat up in his chair and looked about the table as if searching for something to throw at her .
17 If searching for last-minute presents , look no further than What 's Cooking .
18 He started to pat his pockets , as if searching for an ID .
19 Are all operators reversible ? if searching for a goal : no if searching for a path : yes
20 Are all operators reversible ? if searching for a goal : no if searching for a path : yes
21 Nicholson dismissed the warders , returning to the window for a moment as if searching for something out in the windswept yard .
22 He tilts his head and gazes into my face as if searching for the answer .
23 The man was alone ; he looked alternately towards the house and then down , as if searching for something on the dashboard .
24 She looked into his eyes , as if searching for something in them ; her white face made the dark , heavy-browed eyes look lost and empty , and after a while he could not look into them anymore , and had to smile and look away .
25 He paused , as if searching for the right words .
26 When she looked up the mountainside , as if searching for help there , I realized that she still had fear of me , little knowing the true state of affairs , and felt herself like an animal in a trap .
27 He stared down at her for a few seconds , almost as if searching for some clue hidden in her expression .
28 If making use of the latter , which is very powerful , make use of the wild card facility and think laterally for alternative words , i.e. if searching for steel stockholders search using the intersect of Set A ( stock* AND distribute* AND supply* AND wholesale* ) AND Set B ( steel* AND metal* AND ferr* AND alloy * ) .
29 He looked at me and chewed his bottom lip as if searching for a remnant of breakfast .
30 ‘ Guy is not a yuppie , ’ Charles remonstrated , in the voice he reserved for humouring his little sister when she was being most irritating , ‘ He just happens to be a very successful … ’ her brother hesitated a fraction as if searching for the most appropriate description ‘ … entrepreneur . ’
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