Example sentences of "all to the " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless the three dancers in Monotones are expressing their close relationship to each other and to the space in which they dance and above all to the flowing lines of the design and of the musical phrases .
2 If the English writer stops short of uncritical adulation , and also has a longer memory than the Americans for the loathsome politics that Pound was infected by , that is all to the good .
3 With Willard White 's massive , resonantly spoken ( if rhythmically uncertain ) Moor , the slight mismatch of scale between the size of performance and the chamber-dimension of the production is all to the good .
4 I think in the long view it is all to the good that the government have to look after their own chickens as they come home to roost , and get a lot of the dirt cleared before we come in .
5 ‘ If that 's the way you take it , ’ Arty said , ‘ I 'll just have to leave it all to the ould fellow . ’
6 ‘ It is safer to make comedies , ’ explained Ken Annakin in 1958 , ‘ because they are the only pictures which , in Britain , bring back any profit at all to the people who put up the money . ’
7 WE OWE it above all to the example of John Harle , himself still young , that the saxophone is fast shedding its jazz/pop image .
8 Other varieties were made on farms in small quantities and were usually for home consumption only , but the resurgence of interest in farmhouse foods coupled with milk quotas that forced farmers to look for ways of using their surplus milk , has brought about a revolution in British cheesemaking , which is all to the good for the cheese eating public .
9 Most borrowers did not anticipate this ; indeed , a 1989 survey by the Office of Fair Trading shows that only 37% of borrowers gave any thought at all to the likely future movement of interest rates when they took out a loan .
10 But the allocation makes no difference at all to the amount of resources devoted to suppressing sparks .
11 And , above all to the Victorians , the capital was secure .
12 TEN PEOPLE WHO OWE IT ALL TO THE FACE ( All right then , ten we helped along the way )
13 The woman is looking me straight in the eyes , Alida thought , she does not know even the basic elements of courtesy , she has paid no attention at all to the very relevant account of my condition .
14 Here was Kylie , the tomboyish Charlene , provocatively posing in brocade bodices , glitzy mini-skirts and shorts — revealing nigh — or is it thigh — on all to the world .
15 They are now recognised as a branch of the British Conservative and Unionist Party , but only thanks to a peasants ' revolt within that party , and no thanks at all to the mandarins of Central Office .
16 ‘ Willkomen , bienvenue you all to the cabaret .
17 It is astonishing , given the need for monitoring , that the Commission 's Sixth Report on the Completion of the Internal Market , published in June 1991 , makes almost no reference at all to the enforcement of provisions of the single market , and although there is an account showing which national parliaments have legislated on the directives , implementation at national level is only one side of the coin : the report does not address implementation at local level .
18 ‘ It 's only recently that I 've felt able to write about him , but the controversy about Down 's Syndrome babies has brought it all to the surface .
19 In 1848 , Engels was completely insensitive to the complicated class issues of the Austro-Hungarian empire , subordinating all to the fate of Magyars , Poles and Italians and the need to stop Russia .
20 Another and widely spread practice is for the head of a laboratory to add his name automatically to any paper published from it , though he may have no contribution at all to the work .
21 But most cancers failed to respond at all to the largest doses which were tolerated by healthy tissues .
22 An abatement of reverence and forelock touching is all to the good , and I can not really think that doctors should be denied their fair share of human fallibility .
23 However , the most powerful response of all to the food is to its smell , or fragrance .
24 With us he is relaxed , amusing and always considerate , urging us all to the highest achievements .
25 For a variety of reasons the European nobility of the eleventh and twelfth centuries were coming increasingly to need money : to indulge their taste in war , to meet a higher standard of living , to pay for their ever more costly gifts to their friends , their superiors and inferiors , and above all to the Church , to indulge their taste for extravagant building , and to give dowries to their daughters and patrimonies to their younger sons .
26 But what is especially characteristic of Todi and San Gimignano is that their golden age , their period of most notable prosperity , came to an end about 1300 , so that we can still inspect cities whose walls and public buildings , though there is an element of Etruscan and Roman in many of them , belong above all to the period from 1050 to 1300 .
27 Second , you should try and incorporate your questions into the interview as it goes along and not leave them all to the end .
28 Apprentices do not wake up in strange beds the night before an important ride and then tell all to the boss 's wife .
29 Welcome one and all to the last ever issue of ZZAP ! 64 magazine .
30 The system , known at the time as réduction François , was not accepted immediately in the Champagne community , despite being held in great esteem elsewhere and , ironically — which was most damaging of all to the Champagne industry — used to further the production of German sparkling sekt .
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