Example sentences of "all the same " in BNC.

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1 The reader can hope , all the same , that the writer will give an account of the special merits of key pictures , and it is these art critical passages which can be of most help in enjoying or appreciating the chosen artist 's achievement .
2 All the same , museum curators will have carried out a critical task in selecting the exhibition , in some instances having fended off proposals for inclusions with a political or a particular cultural bias .
3 The auction houses employ considerable skill to ensure that the best possible prices are obtained for their clients , but all the same , a good eye and a well-stocked memory may still outwit their expertise .
4 You can not expect a reference book to be quite as gripping as an adventure novel , but all the same I read it cover to cover .
5 ‘ But a very nice little bear all the same . ’
6 All the same , ’ she said , ‘ all I meant was for her to break a leg . ’
7 ‘ And he 's not the most cultural man , but I expect he 'll accept all the same . ’
8 The titles of my lectures were all the same , but my name appeared beneath only four out of the five of them .
9 Bored and lonely , yes , but I had a reasonably pleasant time of things all the same .
10 They had a good evening together , all the same .
11 You know we only imported a small amount but all the same there was always enough to meet demand .
12 I could see her English neighbour shutting her front door in our faces , and yet all the same we left the two children there , rushing away after I 'd pinched their cheeks to make them cry so that she 'd have to come out to them .
13 All the same , the takeover of Hoare 's doubled the size of the Anchor brewery 's tied estate , and gave Charrington 's one-third of all the pubs in the City of London and a fair proportion of those in the East End .
14 All the same Schneidau 's argument is just and illuminating , so far as it goes .
15 All the same , there is by and large a crucial difference here between British and American attitudes , and one that is today every bit as marked as it was in 1912 .
16 All the same , John Alexander 's piece on the Paris period would have made livelier and easier reading if he had not , like Richard Humphreys on the London years , limited himself so self-effacingly to the documentation , necessary though that is .
17 All the same it is hard to resist the temptation to describe United 's style as Wimbledon Mk II .
18 All the same there is a growing swell of support for electoral reform within the Labour movement and a good deal of support among MPs .
19 But is Mr Kinnock wise , having trimmed — having trimmed to a wiser policy , but all the same egregiously trimmed — is he wise to insist that the British people respect Labour for the changes it has made ?
20 All the same , the Foxley Wood decision can be seen as sound enough .
21 But Labour leaders were purring like pussies all the same ; as they saw it , the 15 per cent lending rate made necessary by a £20bn trade deficit virtually endorsed their analysis of Britain 's economic weakness .
22 No longer therefore , apparently , can we have one minister for health services and one minister for social payments ; but that would be more sensible , all the same .
23 All the same , I would expect and ( I anticipate ) receive agreement from the Chancellor to two propositions : first , I would wish the ‘ real ’ budget to be maintained , though I would not argue for any test of ‘ reality ’ other than the rough and ready conventional scale used for measuring inflation ; and secondly , I would seek to agree a modest and gradual increase in that ‘ real ’ budget .
24 Heterosexual , homosexual , narcissistic , normal , or incest , it is all the same thing … .
25 We 've got stores in the Arctic Circle , we 've got shops literally in the desert in the Middle East and we 've got them in Hong Kong and Singapore and they 're all the same — and they all work .
26 But their attitude remains the same — ‘ Well we treat them all the same whether they are Asian or English ’ .
27 That is the fundamental policy of all social services — ‘ We treat them all the same .
28 ‘ I do n't think so , lovey , thanks all the same . ’
29 Not every day like we used to just after her accident , but quite a lot all the same .
30 They ai n't got no lights on or nothing like that , but they 're real nice all the same .
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