Example sentences of "has [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Another newer variety rapidly replacing the more difficult to grow ‘ Cox 's Orange Pippin ’ , ‘ Fiesta ’ looks similar , has the same flavour , flowers mid-season , produces larger fruits , crops twice as heavily and even produces a fair crop with no pollinator .
2 Her role has the same sobering effect on the atmosphere of the ballet as that of Bratfisch , the Count 's valet , in Mayerling .
3 This has the same free , metaphysical bearing on his being a drunkard that Raskolnikov 's wanting to dare has on his being a murderer .
4 An example of a respectable product which embraces the full potential of GUIs is Texas Instrument 's debugger for its TMS320C30 evaluation module — it has the same screen format as the simulator for the new TMS320C40 ) .
5 But as Seabrook points out , rugby league already has the same sort of thing in every town .
6 The Discovery has the same wheelbase as the Range Rover but , thanks to advances made in interior packaging , has much more room inside its well-appointed cabin than its big , expensive stablemate .
7 Barclayshare 's advisory service , which has £250m under management , has the same charging structure , but costs £15 quarterly .
8 Everybody producing music for sale to the public has the same problem : because making music costs money , selling product ( records , tapes and CDs ) is the only way to survive .
9 The main point of Engels 's and Morgan 's argument is that , once again , the State has the same origin as the family , private property , and class division , or in other words the overthrow of the gens .
10 The modern version we are using has the same hole , and our wood-burning stove has a pipe that goes through it , while the rest of it is closed with a cowl that is a bitch to fix .
11 The other side of Kelling has the same outward-slanting wings , shielding a terrace from which the garden slopes gently away to the wide Norfolk view .
12 Under the Children Act 1975 an adopted child has the same right to succeed on the intestacy of his adoptive parent as any other child born to that parent .
13 Peter Wright has the same problems in Birmingham .
14 ‘ Shearson has the same option , but with its bond you have to make the decisions yourself , ’ says Richard Spencer of financial adviser Brooks MacDonald Gayer .
15 Greene has Adonis refuse the goddess in Perimedes the Blacke-Smith in 1588 ; Spenser has the same thing in The Faerie Queene , and Marlowe in Hero and Leander .
16 The Marl 1 engine has the same head .
17 ‘ But will he if the person facing him has the same weapon ?
18 This has the same view as Philip Swallow 's , but is smaller — indeed , rather too small for all the furniture it contains : a desk , bookcases , filing cabinets , a table and a dozen or so unstacked stacking chairs .
19 Andorra has the same share of the market — six per cent — as Switzerland , for diametrically opposite reasons .
20 Every cell has the same genetic constitution and some genes are switched on and off as the cell develops and rolls down the landscape .
21 The olivines , pyroxenes , amphiboles , micas and feldspars are true families , not individual minerals ; each family has the same atomic structure , but the chemical composition of minerals in each family can vary widely , within certain limits .
22 Gedge has standing orders with Greenpeace and the Anti-Apartheid Movement and Solowka has the same with the African National Congress and Oxfam .
23 The Sahara is a new desert , and , other than water , it has the same geographical features as other major land masses .
24 Though the Sahara is often monochrome and denuded , it has the same topographical shape , river beds , mountains and plains as when it was fertile .
25 And now they all nodded towards Agnes and Miss Florence said softly , ‘ The moment we got it , dear , I said , ‘ I know who that would suit , because she has the same figure as Mrs Bretton-Fawcett . ’
26 She is cruelly twisted with arthritis but her spirit is livelier than a young lass 's , more concerned for an old friend in Lamlash who has the same complaint — that dread West Coast damp — and is quite unable to move .
27 Yule and Kendall say that ‘ the selection of an individual from a population is random when each member of the population has the same chance of being chosen . ’
28 Let us begin by considering how we might obtain a random sample ; that is , one in which each member of the population has the same chance of being chosen .
29 This has the same filename as the current version but with a different filename extension ; .
30 The less skilled are more likely to assume that they understand the other person 's point of view and that the other person has the same basic information .
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