Example sentences of "their [noun pl] back " in BNC.

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1 Both Greene and Cloke were jeered as they passed the post and cries of ‘ cheats ’ greeted them as they rode their mounts back to the unsaddling enclosure and were hauled before the stewards .
2 got their hats back .
3 29 aircraft claimed to have bombed the city , 21 brought their bombs back having failed to locate their targets and six jettisoned their loads in the sea .
4 The letter I saw which alerted er , users and their carers about these items on the agenda , seem to be an indication for them to , to express their opinions back through the Social Services Department , now if that 's consultation , then the process has started .
5 The sound man struggles for a couple of numbers to actually pull their frequencies back to earth .
6 Everyone , parents and boys , craned their necks back and stared into the cerulean blue above the Village .
7 She thought of the local cemetery : if they all woke up , they 'd come round demanding their houses back ; they 'd have to be sheltered and fed and appeased with promises .
8 A crossmember between these two braces helps ; people frequently put their legs back under their chair seats , and a cross brace between the front legs would be in the way .
9 ‘ We have already begun the task of bringing their homes back to order . ’
10 But after ramming their words back down their throats his enormous smile shows how delighted he is to be a golden oldie !
11 In fact , I have seen pursued rabbits tilt their heads back , no doubt increasing their rear field of view .
12 The adult females bob and dance with excitement , standing upright , craning their heads back and forth to see just what is going on .
13 They seemed unaffected however , and threw their heads back , howling with unnatural laughter as they twisted their bodies in ever more contorted movements , some of them even brushing into one or other of the fires and continuing their dance as if they had n't noticed .
14 To listen to ‘ a load of shit on shehadat ’ , as Cave called it , was part of the side-business of negotiating ; the Americans would do their best to try to steer their interlocutors back to the subjects at hand .
15 Every tenth day , in special temples of execration , they cursed ritually and shouted abuse , before turning their attentions back to their beloved bountiful sea and soil .
16 However , once these new languages and varieties had become established in the Caribbean , the same phenomenon of migration took their speakers back to the original " homeland " of the lexifier language , English .
17 Although we believe that all birds and bats must have a common ancestor if we trace their lineages back far enough , that common ancestor was also the common ancestor of all mammals ( including ourselves ) and all birds .
18 People want their lives back . ’
19 For some unexplained reason many housewives had cooked beef in one form or another that night and Coffin was probably lucky to find his second supper was cold , for all over South London people were pushing their plates back .
20 Also , both the vicarage and Rectory farm can trace their origins back to the 1500's .
21 The author set the context for his story with a lengthy but fairly conventional genealogy of the kings of France , tracing their origins back to the Trojans as Frankish historians had done since Merovingian times .
22 These associations can often trace their origins back to the nineteenth century when they were , under different names , primarily concerned with giving relief in cash and kind to families in distress .
23 Most of Yugoslavia 's main cities can trace their origins back to Roman foundation or , where earlier settlements can be identified , to a revival of activity in Roman times .
24 Friendships quickly develop as guests help each other carry their beds back and forth .
25 The kings and kinglets of barbarian Europe commonly knew their pedigrees back to Woden ; and any lapse of memory — or the promotion of a man unprovided with ancestors — was quickly remedied by pious invention .
26 It can be inferred from speeches made by Yugoslav and Soviet spokesmen when the question of compulsory repatriation was subsequently debated at the United Nations that both governments were primarily intent on getting their nationals back within their power .
27 Every month we get a few plonkers sending their tapes back to us .
28 Offering Mr Hurd his support , Mr Michael Heseltine ( C. Henley ) , said : ‘ It 's quite impossible to explain to the Chinese population in Hong Kong that we 're putting their relatives back across the frontier with the mainland day after day , and allowing boat people from Vietnam to remain in Hong Kong . ’
29 If the original intention was to make the Greeks feel embarrassed at asking for their marbles back , the calls for their return may grow more strident if the laboratory folds up altogether .
30 Many patients with severe chemical sensitivity trace their problems back to an incident of this sort .
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