Example sentences of "has the right " in BNC.

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1 My sympathies are with Marwood Yeatman , who has the right perspective on life and whose lifestyle I am now gaining myself .
2 ‘ It 's a matter of who has the right line past the high , ’ said Dalton .
3 ‘ It 's a matter of who has the right line past the high , ’ said Dalton .
4 And none of them has the right kind of tights .
5 ‘ We think the Keystone dialogue has the right approach , but governments must support it ’ , he says .
6 Anyway he has the right approach and I 'm sure something will result . ’
7 Mr. D. has the right ideas when it comes to hardware .
8 This study could be seen as a pilot study that gives an intimation that if one has the right methodology the data which is yielded can be richer than that created from other methods .
9 ‘ Well , he has the right sort of contacts in the government .
10 A CUCUMBER is n't a cucumber — and wo n't count towards the EC cucumber crop — unless it 's the correct colour ( green ) and has the right amount of curve , according to European Commission rules .
11 And surely our reasons for allowing this are close to those suggested by the tripartite definition ; he has the right answer , and not by luck .
12 However , we do have the mass noun cutlery , which has the right sort of meaning , as knives , forks and spoons are all cutlery .
13 ‘ He does if he has the right people and financial backing behind him .
14 ‘ She has the right instincts , ’ she said .
15 Mad has the right sound to it .
16 But I think Meir has the right er interpretation of it .
17 Shabra Gold — PJ to his friends — has the right credentials to be top dog .
18 However , when an electron changes from one allowed orbit to another one nearer to the nucleus , energy is released and a real photon is emitted — which can be observed as visible light by the human eye , if it has the right wavelength , or by a photon detector such as photographic film .
19 Any organisation that wants to survive and succeed must constantly question itself about how it operates , whether it has the right balance of products/skills and — most important of all — whether it is actually providing what its customers want .
20 Has the right hon. and learned Gentleman not been listening to the chorus of demands from the CBI , from the trade unions and now also from a number of Conservative newspapers for an increase in capital allowances for manufacturing industry ?
21 Has the right hon. Gentleman overlooked the job losses at Port Talbot steelworks — a great steelworks under immense pressure because of the recession engendered by his Government — and the continuing loss of jobs in the south Wales coalfields ?
22 Once we get beyond the cheap debating point , has the right hon. and learned Gentleman thought about what the minimum wage will do to unemployment ?
23 Has the right hon. and learned Gentleman any proposal to improve the lighting on the M6 where black holes exist ?
24 Not only has the right hon. Gentleman made an idiot of himself by that intervention , but he has achieved the interesting feat of misquoting himself .
25 Has the right hon. and learned Gentleman anything positive to say to us , or will the rest of his speech simply seek to justify the status quo and say no to everything that has been put before him tonight ?
26 Or has the right hon. Gentleman changed his mind again because he wants the key to No. 10 ?
27 As a former winner at Dornoch ( 1985 ) , where nobody took him beyond the 16th green , Garth has the right credentials for a marathon week 's work — sound legs and wind , a good nerve , great concentration , and all the shots for a course that will test the strong and mock the timid .
28 In any event , the Purchaser will wish to be satisfied that it is acquiring a viable Business which has the right amount of saleable stock and working equipment .
29 ‘ I question whether Dangerfield has the right hide for a commander , anyway , ’ Lambert said .
30 Silvers has the right idea .
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