Example sentences of "has great [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is this group which has greatest acquaintanceship with the facts and techniques of sex and sexuality and the least inhibition surrounding them .
2 Predation has greatest impact on small mammal populations when they are low or in decline and less impact when populations are increasing .
3 He is immensely strong , but also shyly gentle and has great sense of humour .
4 Of Hugh Aldous Mr Hakim says : ‘ Hugh has great vision .
5 A clear example of this may be seen in the learner driver who grips the steering wheel so tightly with one hand that he has great difficulty in moving the wheel with the other .
6 Having achieved power in certain situations , the military has great difficulty in maintaining it without the support of other important groups in society .
7 The patient has great difficulty in being coherent .
8 Silvio is a very complex and tormented personality , someone who has great difficulty in coming to terms with the demands of life .
9 The dyslexic person has great difficulty with this .
10 The writer has great sympathy for hauliers confronting the intricacies of the tachograph legislation .
11 Professor Hoskins saw little in the modern development of the English landscape that filled him with pleasure and one has great sympathy for his feelings .
12 The Princess d'Essling ( Grand Mistress of the Empress 's Household ) , who has great presence , calls out each name to Her Majesty .
13 Even if the Soviet Union is no longer able to give orders , it still has great influence , and Mr Shevardnadze is believed to have used this in calls to Prague , Warsaw and East Berlin .
14 I admire what Gorbachev is attempting , but I am afraid he has great problems .
15 For businesses who want to raise large amounts of capital , Barclays has great experience in arranging rights issues , syndicated loans and multi-option facilities , and in the issuing of bonds , Euro-notes and commercial paper .
16 Thanks to the intoxicating venom that floods his brain the Forest Goblin Shaman has great powers of mental control .
17 Mr has great powers but he ca n't give evidence on this case
18 People can come to expect too much of someone who suddenly has great success .
19 The horse has great scope for facial expression due to the large number of facial muscles — 10 for the nostrils , lips and mouth and 13 for each ear .
20 First , the use of IT is growing rapidly and potentially has great scope in improving the technical efficiency of services and more personalised forms of delivery .
21 Two miles to the north-west of this village near Redruth in the desolate former tin-mining region of Cornwall is Gwennap Pit which , although not exactly an industrial monument , has great significance in the social history of the local tinners , who were often ruthlessly exploited by their employers and were obvious targets for the message of Nonconformism .
22 This has one very important result which has great significance in relation to alternatives .
23 This course has great significance in the development of this new profession .
24 Although it is modest compared with the major producing fields , it has great significance as one of the first of a new generation of small fields to use the processing facilities offered by another field operator .
25 ‘ In some cultures that has great significance .
26 Away from a purely stylistic assessment , the square has great merits , the presence of students locally ( there is another section of the University here ) having resulted in a range of fine restaurants , take-away delicatessens and sandwich bars which the visitor to the centre will find delightful for offering a real Milanese touch to the menu at an affordable price .
27 This traditional Tyrolean pension on the sunny side of the valley has great views over Söll , with the village centre just five minutes walk .
28 This method is becoming increasingly popular and has great benefits in terms of aerobatic flying .
29 European general manager Barry Betts hints darkly that Microsoft has great plans for a combination of NT and FoxBase , and wonders whether the current compatibility problems will ever be sold , Xbase or not .
30 Parke , aged 17 , had already showed us with two wins in the previous two days that he has great ability .
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