Example sentences of "been [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 looks at its long history , in which the last five years have been arguably the most dramatic , part of a transformation which is by no means over .
2 He had been right the first time .
3 And that the business has been predominantly the nature of business has been predominantly manufacturing .
4 For centuries the practice of philosophy has been overwhelmingly the prerogative of men but it is only recently that feminist analysis has made it possible to see the distorting effect of this historical fact .
5 For three centuries , however , an incident of landownership has been effectively the sole right to shoot deer on that land , either for sport or to prevent damage .
6 George did n't bother to explain the process by which he had deflected the first demand — that Maxim go round to Century House by himself — by a counter-offer of Number 10 ( ‘ As it 's a Saturday , we could use the Cabinet Room ; think how that would look in your memoirs ’ ) — or one of his clubs , naming the one that had been effectively the HQ of the Intelligence Service in the heady days of World War II , and finally agreeing on this no-man's-land .
7 Yet when all allowance is made for this bias in the evidence , one can not help being struck by the conspicuous part in our story which was played by the Empress Theophanu , the Empress Agnes , the Countess Matilda , St Margaret , the Empress Matilda , Queen Eleanor — great ladies who rose above the limitations of their sex , as commonly understood , as rulers , as saints or as viragos ; and the twelfth century would have been greatly the poorer without the life and work of the English Christina , the Hertfordshire anchoress , or of the French Heloise , the Stoic of the Paraclete , or of the German Hildegarde , the mystic of Bingen .
8 If it had been only the Empress and a Court clique who desired war , things might have turned out differently , but given the wave of bellicosity which swept the entire nation , it would have required a miracle to produce a peaceful end to the crisis .
9 Socially , though , he and Karen , who taught part-time at a girls ' school in Headington , were both from a lower-middle-class , comp/tech background , and it may not have been only the fearsome price of property in the North Oxford heartlands which had put them off moving there .
10 Had it been only the interests of traders that were being considered , there would have been no need for Britain to have responded to the competitive challenge of other European states by formalizing and expanding her own empire , with all that this entailed in provoking international tensions , arms expenditures , and general insecurity .
11 But that had been only the start : a test of the young man 's potential .
12 This seemed to strike and sober them … a thing which to all of them was so familiar , and to many had been only the subject of coarse jest .
13 But that , unusual though it was , had been only the outline , the skeletal framework of the man .
14 It had been an uncomfortable and disturbing sensation and he was still wondering whether it had n't been only the incense , the spring evening , and nostalgia for his boyhood .
15 Demant 's own chapter would have been all the more attractive to Eliot because of its wide-ranging view which combined the primitive and the sophisticated .
16 Beautifully played by Gidon Kremer , it would have been all the more welcome if , being the sort of work which does n't invite applause , it had n't been so closely associated with Offertorium as to seem to merge into it .
17 Beautifully played by Gidon Kremer , it would have been all the more welcome if , being the sort of work which does n't invite applause , it had n't been so closely associated with Offertorium as to seem to merge into it .
18 Yet one can not escape the feeling that if Humanae Vitae had been essentially a reasoned condemnation of abortion , the witness of the Church would have been all the more powerful .
19 If Jesus were the royal Messiah and John the priestly one , the baptism in the Jordan would have been all the more significant — the priestly Messiah conferring official status on his royal counterpart , who also , by the manifest workings of a divine plan , happened to be his close kin .
20 The second was Owen 's declaration that there was another way , easy and immediate ; a message which , in the collapse of the generally uncritical expectations attending the successful struggle to secure the passage of the Bill must have been all the more persuasive .
21 In the Highlands the process has been all the more hurtful because the usurpers have so often been outsiders with grandiose ambitions .
22 This has been all the more damaging because the costs of CD-I development can be very high indeed .
23 Post-1945 world politics have been basically the politics of revolution and counter-revolution , with national issues intervening only to underline or disturb the main theme .
24 Slowing him down had been merely the preparation for the real poisoned phial .
25 ‘ The conduct of the workers is deplorable , ’ wrote a French mining manager in 1869 , in the process of ferociously repressing the sort of strike of which Zola 's Germinal has given us a vivid picture , ‘ but one must recognise that they have been merely the savage instruments of agitators ’ .
26 Regarded as a liberal , Bessmertnykh , 57 , had been hitherto the Soviet ambassador to the United States , and before that a First Deputy Foreign Minister .
27 But things would have been much the same .
28 The painting by H.T. Wells RA depicts HEADBURY QUARRY a little west of Dancing Ledge but the view of Tilly Whim early in 19th century would have been much the same .
29 The Earth and the Moon are so close together that it has been estimated that the exposure of both planets to asteroids and comet debris has been much the same .
30 Whatever they were called , the duties of all these officials must have been much the same , acting as leaders of their communities , settling minor infractions and disputes , approving corporate actions of the inhabitants , especially in religious dedications , and acting generally as an essential link between government and people .
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