Example sentences of "been [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I suspected it was because I had never been properly in love with anyone before , and the sensation was too strange , too pleasant , and too personal for sharing .
2 I do not believe it is disputed that this factor has been powerfully in operation recently .
3 He 's been dead at least eighteen hours , more likely twenty-four . ’
4 The Russian did not think he could have been dead for long .
5 LADY DAVERS : Have you not been a-bed with my brother ?
6 But at its finest , it reaches heights of eloquence that can not have been most on the leaders of the next generation and it is music that ought to be heard in our halls .
7 ‘ I have been most of all impressed by the contention that removal to such an area would be damaging to the morale of journalists . ’
8 She had once been a warm Methodist and so too , probably , had been most of her followers .
9 Iceland has twenty-two volcanoes , but the ones which have been most in the news are located on the Westmann Islands , just off the south coast .
10 Can you see the sand on this path where the water 's been right over the top of it ?
11 ‘ I 've been right through it but there 's no address or anything .
12 Someone 's been right through that wall there , look .
13 Yes , we 've been the channels , been been right through to street lighting itself
14 He 'd been right about Bryce .
15 I 'd seen no sign of Mala , but I had n't expected it , since she 'd been right about us being less obvious if we were apart .
16 How could she confess that they 'd been right about Ryan ?
17 He 's been right about Sebastian contacting her .
18 He 'd been right about the shelter of the hedge .
19 I 'd been right about the biological cleaners .
20 I 'd been right about Lloyd 's two-tone shoes though I had expected him to put socks on , and I was wrong about the hat — it was a white Panama .
21 He 'd been right about Mrs Aitken having gone to some trouble .
22 It appeared that she 'd been right about Harry Martin 's being behind the attempts to intimidate her .
23 And she 'd been right about the red roses .
24 Mrs Foster had told them Matthew was a bad-tempered boy , and she 'd certainly been right about the bad-tempered part , though this was no boy standing here looking at her with such menace .
25 He 'd been right about the entire day : the fountains in Rome , the quiet beauty of the little villages they passed and the gentle sweep of the campagna .
26 ‘ All the power we could ever have wanted , and it 's been right under my nose for years . ’
27 Hole have been right up front with the anger thanks to newly pregnant Mrs Cobain , Courtney Love .
28 I think we 'd have been right up the creek without the paddle !
29 My sister-in-law answered , so quickly that she must have been right beside the telephone .
30 ‘ Never been right since the bronchitis last winter .
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