Example sentences of "been [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Had been dead no more than an hour when he was found …
2 Well , she 's been dead longer than that , has n't she ? ’
3 She 's been dead longer than Louisa , but … ’
4 Roxie had been dead right too , as it turned out .
5 Taking one thing with another : body temperature , ambient temperature , the fact that Saturn is in the ascendant and it 's Sunday , I 'd say he 's been dead up to eighteen hours , probably not less than fourteen , that puts it between nine and one last night .
6 It could almost have been dead already : a passive progression from birth to death with no awareness of life at all .
7 If she had n't been dead already the shock of his going to prison would have killed her .
8 ‘ But she was very brave and amazed the doctors by doing things when they thought she should have been dead long ago . ’
9 30 " He was dead when he went in , and as he 'd been dead only for about six to seven hours , it could n't have been longer than that .
10 He 's been dead more than thirty years , and no one sees his plays now .
11 The testicle had been dead so they had taken it out and sent it off for tests .
12 The voices that had been loudest only seconds before were the quietest now .
13 ‘ Someone , ’ said Inspector Milsom meaningfully , ‘ seems to have been altogether too careful to my way of thinking . ’
14 It had been altogether too much to expect .
15 At a time when it would have been altogether too easy to disappear into the exacting but ultimately limiting routine of grammar-school teaching , Alfred Cobban enlivened and enlarged my interest in scholarly work .
16 John Dunner , the head of the National Radiological Protection Board , in an aside , made the interesting suggestion that perhaps there had been altogether too much information available about nuclear energy , rather than too little , ready material to use , either uncomprehendingly or fully aware , to stoke up polemical fires .
17 There 's been altogether too much guilt — too much pain already .
18 Not only had the reception of The Family Reunion been altogether more favourable than the ill-started attempt in 1939 , but both this play and Murder in the Cathedral were to be performed at the first Edinburgh Festival in the following year .
19 These bonds , subtler and more difficult to observe and interpret , have been most extensively studied in the experimental herd of Camargue horses at Tour du Valat .
20 Ask any graduating neuroscience student which organism had been most extensively used to study the cell biology of learning and the answer would probably be : Aplysia .
21 In the case of intrinsic importance , the factor that has been most extensively studied is animacy .
22 These electronic spectra are full of information about the electronic structures of the species responsible for them ; such spectra have been most extensively studied and analyzed , and there is no room in this book for a detailed account of their interpretation .
23 Gene regulation during herpes simplex type 1 ( HSV-1 ) infection in tissue culture has been most extensively analyzed .
24 Yet Amabel said a very pleasant good morning to his mother , her dear friend Maria , who had been most gratifyingly keen to marry this ecclesiastical son of hers to Gemma .
25 Form criticism has been most profitably used in the psalms and has revolutionized our understanding of them .
26 This philosophy finds expression in some recent social thought and has been most notably promulgated in the area of social services , producing on the far right a philosophy of welfare in which the care of family members is increasingly seen as a private problem , to be undertaken using family resources only , and to be underpinned only in extreme circumstances by a residual network of statutory services .
27 But Mr Robin Duval , chief television assistant at the IBA , the person who has been most closely involved in monitoring sponsorship , observes : ‘ The widely canvassed notion that sponsors never seek to influence programmes simply does not hold up in my personal and direct experience . ’
28 Taken in isolation such a remark would not be significant , but in a speech which had mentioned the two institutions with which Stalin and Trotsky had been most closely associated , this reference to the Red Army must be seen as nudge and wink towards Trotsky .
29 That is what happened in late March to Vrej Baghoomian , whose gallery , a virtual airplane hangar in SoHo , had been most closely associated with the work of Jean-Michel Basquiat .
30 ( Where there is more than one Vendor or in the case where a company is the Vendor and the Purchaser requires warranties from the directors ) only Vendors/directors who have been most closely concerned with the Business , should give the warranties .
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