Example sentences of "were part [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They really were part of the unquestioned reality of the culture of the state .
2 ‘ I thought you were part of the set-up there . ’
3 with one exception , all [ scholars ] contacted have expressed strongly that the service did not appear to see the practical relevance of university training , did not know how to exploit the benefits gained by the individual and in many cases showed noticeable coolness to those who were part of it .
4 Helmets exemplified this ‘ new status ’ for ‘ real polises ’ , for they were not worn in the city force , but were part of the apparel of the surrounding Northumberland County force , whose immediate boundary was only some three miles north of our divisional centre .
5 I remember well , during the air-raids of the forties when I was in London and we waited as darkness came for the first sirens and the deep breath to get one 's courage up , that we felt we were part of the will of the capital of England .
6 To provide some much-needed improvement the InterCity director decided to transfer ten HSTs to the Midland — five from the Great Western , two from the East Coast main line plus three which were part of the build for the Cross Country ( North East-South West ) routes .
7 This represents a much narrower view of the subject than was common in the early days of institutional literary study , when works of history , biography , philosophy , and divinity were part of the canon .
8 Contacts : yes , these , as I was to discover , were of prime importance : they were part of the game .
9 After a hearing in 1976 , the Chief Commons Commissioner found that the road verges were part of the highway , and so did not fall within the definition of ‘ common land ’ in section 22(1) of the Act .
10 The plaintiffs claimed that certain grass verges were part of the manorial lands of the manor and wished to re-litigate the question of whether the road verges were part of the highway .
11 The plaintiffs claimed that certain grass verges were part of the manorial lands of the manor and wished to re-litigate the question of whether the road verges were part of the highway .
12 Sir David Alliance , Coats chairman , said the sales were part of Coats ' continuing policy of disposing of peripheral activities that do not fit in the long term strategy of the group .
13 Of course , these developments were part of a wider process common to many countries .
14 That was probably another of the reasons why they became so obsessed with loyalty , with the idea that you were part of some élite squad .
15 First , there would be the same result if the SCN were part of the transmission pathway by which the body clock communicates with the rest of the body ( see above ) .
16 An integral part of deterrent operations , the parade and display were part of an open day for the public , designed to show the Danes who and what had flown into their country to exercise for two weeks .
17 ‘ Not quite the same thing , ’ Marx said , mildly and without rancour , as if half-truths and no-truths were part of his life , which they were .
18 ‘ Some pupils came in time to like it ; not simply because the outbursts were part of Lewis ‘ act ’ , but because he was conscientious teacher , who was concerned , as the Great Knock had been , to wage war on sloppy language and sloppy thinking .
19 Colonel Odling-Smee was the officer commanding the Fifth Buffs which were part of V Corps in southern Austria .
20 St Theresa 's writings were part of the tradition of Christian mysticism .
21 They were part of Japan until Russia occupied them at the end of the second world war , and the Japanese feel they are justified in wanting them back .
22 They were part of the story of his heart and , re-read now , one recognizes that the Helen Noble of these letters is incorporated in part into the texture of poems like ‘ After you speak ’ and ‘ And you , Helen ’ :
23 England lost all three of their Tests and West Indies won two of theirs , but neither side liked the arrangement of interspersing them with one-day games that were part of the new Benson and Hedges World Series Cup .
24 The Germans had the Berlin Wall to dance on , the British had the Wembley pitch ; both events were part of the same great story of liberation .
25 William Belshaw , and Roy Beggs of Larne before him , left the Party because they moderated and abandoned the party 's policy of non-recognition of the Republic 's representatives , and they were part of the founding generation .
26 They were pilgrims in this world , aliens in the society of their pagan fellows , but they knew they were part of a vast community : ‘ this church which is now travelling on its journey , is joined to that heavenly church where we have the angels as our fellow-citizens ’ , said Augustine , faithfully echoing the conviction of all early Christians .
27 ‘ Far from constituting ransom to achieve the freedom of American hostages , ’ North assured Livingstone over the cooling coffee , ‘ the military goods provided Iran were part of a rapprochement process designed to deliver Iran from the clutches of the Soviet Union and to block the Soviet drive to the Persian Gulf . ’
28 Pasha Naiz and his death were evocative in consequential ways ; they were part of an idiom which was largely inexplicit ( though not unstructured ) but which has to be made explicit if it is to be understood by people who do not have it .
29 Although Libyans recognized that many members of tribes were ‘ written ’ , or attached in other ways , the central notion was that the loyalties and obligations which made the stateless system work were part of a person 's equipment at birth .
30 The initial reason must have been Protestant fears of what Henri II , using his daughter-in-law , might do after the treaty of Chateau-Cambrèsis ; the public Protestant call to arms and the private and tentative contact with England were part of the same desperate reaction to a situation which left the Protestants no more time to move slowly , and forced them into overt action against the regent — the representative of legitimate authority — and , perhaps , a covert move against her daughter — the legitimate authority .
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