Example sentences of "were set [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The cooking fires were lit and pots were set over the flames to boil .
2 The emission standards were set without regard to the constraints of technological or economic feasibility that had previously influenced policy-making .
3 Many of the verses were in fact small poems , and some were set to music .
4 A mechanical bush-clearing company was called in , but it soon became apparent that machines could not accomplish all that was required , and labourers from other tribes were set to work .
5 Hence gangs of navvies ( mainly Irish ) were set to work on the task of excavation and works ; they lived in mud huts , huts which would only offer the most primitive shelter from the elements .
6 I thought the two of you were set to — ‘ Angalo began .
7 Over those years he produced another serenata , Il rè pastore ( King as Shepherd ) , to a text by the famous Italian poet Pietro Metastasio ( whose texts were set to music countless times all over Europe by the best composers of the time ) for a state visit by Archduke Maximilian Franz ; another serenade ( K.204 ) written for the traditional end-of-term jollities at the university ; and several violin concertos , of which the last three ( in G , D and A major ) are standard repertoire today .
8 So vast quantities of stone were stockpiled along the way , and gangs of territorials , perhaps 1,000 in all , were set to work around the clock filling in and levelling the holes as they formed .
9 Thus the real and imaginary parts of the atomic scattering factors for the ‘ derivative ’ at λ i were set to and respectively .
10 The house of Neill & Co. had patented their own , and since this was one of the offices that most whole-heartedly recruited women , a number of the women compositors at Neill 's in the 1870s were set to work the machines .
11 accepted that if the subsequent appeal to the House of Lords were set to one side , there might be grounds for a relisting on the basis that the Court of Appeal had departed from well-established practice in resolving but one of the grounds of appeal , leaving outstanding points of appeal on which submissions had been made .
12 Her poems , of which the best known was ‘ The Blind Ploughman ’ , were very popular at the time , and many of them were set to music and performed at public concerts all over Britain .
13 In agricultural districts school attendance registers showed poor attendance at harvest time when girls of ten or eleven were set to work picking up stones in the fields .
14 This was allotted out to place in work five aged women , four young girls and one boy , who being able to work were set to spinning hemp .
15 A take note was issued allowing exploration to start at once and men were set to work in December of 1823 .
16 Old Kewlany and his mate , as mystified as anyone , were set to work elsewhere for the time being .
17 On other occasions , teachers commented that tasks without an obvious method of solution which were set to the intake year and also to other years were tackled better by the intake year in spite of the fact that they were younger .
18 Standards were set to which all school premises had to conform .
19 If an error occurs within a procedure or function , the value of any PRIVATE variables will be the last value they were set to within the procedure or function which gave rise to the error .
20 At the same time ten battalions of Territorials were set to work building a new broad-gauge railway to Revigny .
21 When I first played through Rattle 's Daphnis , the levels were set with a degree of concern for the neighbours , I felt that here was an example of his penchant for pianissimos on the threshold of audibility getting the better of him .
22 As with local government , the essential problem for the NHS in this exercise is that the SSAPs were set with businesses in mind .
23 The elections for the presidency were set for December and Louis-Napoleon put his name forward as one of five candidates .
24 Higher standards were set for advocates , who dominated Supreme Court business .
25 In other words , we were set for a few laughs .
26 Early in the season , Tony Wright bravely predicted that Gloucestershire were set for a successful summer .
27 As John Major when Chancellor told the British Chambers of Commerce at the end of 1989 , we were set for ‘ a difficult year but a promising decade ’ .
28 New standards were set for the working-class house in terms of space , WC , bathrooms , sunlight and garden space .
29 There is the Brick Hall , which makes a super picture gallery , the Big Drawing Room , and the adjoining Long Hall , where places were set for dinner at one long table for 160 guests !
30 What emerged , therefore , was the ‘ Medium-Term Financial Strategy ’ in which annually decreasing targets were set for monetary growth .
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