Example sentences of "were by [art] " in BNC.

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1 But then , urged on as it were by a series of multiple lightning flashes , it hesitated no more and , instead of increasing gradually from the first tentative shower , the water gushed forth in a vast fountain .
2 Their arrival could hardly have gone unremarked , preceded as they were by a number of attendants with trunks , hatboxes and assorted luggage , a little yapping pomeranian on a lead …
3 Often they were by a member of the staff of the RI , but the majority were outside speakers .
4 Examinations were by a National committee .
5 But some goods stations were by an accident of history very grand .
6 Eternal values can also be sought in art , as they were by the French art historian Élie Faure , whose open mind accepted disparate arts , a view which he expressed like this : ‘ It is not paradoxical at all to affirm that an Ivory Coast mask and the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel express the same need to manifest a harmonious rapport which exists between mankind and the universe . ’
7 Perhaps the only two successful threats of action were by the water-workers in 1983 and the NUM over the Coal Board 's threat to close uneconomic pits in January 1981 .
8 It took a while for the true magnitude of his achievement to dawn on the crowd , shell-shocked as they were by the defeat of their hero .
9 Of the other 80 referrals 17 were by the family , 13 by psychiatrists , 17 other health referrals , 15 police , nine social workers and nine other referrals .
10 How could a sovereign who reigned by the will of the people resist totally such overt manifestations — confirmed as they were by the reports of similar sentiments being expressed the length and breadth of France ?
11 Today 's children are still enraptured by the approach of the illuminated cars along the Promenade , just as they were by the Gondola and Lifeboat in days gone by .
12 The feet were by the door , small , ill-formed , like wax models of a child 's that had passed through flame and were partially melted .
13 And he could recall seeing one or two small oils hung in local restaurants and pubs , slap-dash in technique and economical of paint , but so different from the prettified watercolours that it was hard to believe that they too were by the same hand .
14 The whole enterprise of Indirect Rule became more organized , more standardized — the native administrations of Tanganyika , a country of considerable ethnic diversity , were by the end of Cameron 's governorship more or less uniform in structure — and more active in intention .
15 This may in turn have caused the forelegs of prosauropods ( the Triassic forerunners of sauropods ) to become more massive , stimulated as they were by the repeated dropping onto all fours when moving slowly .
16 The Football Association are sure to be unswayed by this set-back , as they were by the failure to score in the opening European championship games against Denmark and France and then by the defeat by Sweden .
17 State legislatures and Congress are no longer gripped as they once were by the dead hand of privilege .
18 But , as we have seen , other products of social organisation , such as seals and medallions , can have this quality too and , in the right conditions , may be aptly considered more reliable , as they were by the medieval knights .
19 There was a notable disagreement between the two curators of the prints section of the exhibition David Landau and Suzanne Boorsch of the Metropolitan Museum , New York over which prints were by the artist 's own hand and which were executed after his designs .
20 In consequence the Crown estates were by the time of his death probably larger than they had ever been before .
21 Around Preston and East Linton there were by the middle of the nineteenth century seven watermills : in the whole of East Lothian the total in 1854 was recorded as 73 .
22 So the technological backwardness means that , and the over population , means that the soil is , is losing its richness and there 's absolutely no way of restoring it artificially by ploughing deeply and turning up er new soil or by re-enriching it as it were by the use of artificial or natural fertilizers .
23 Those two matters are , in our judgment , separate , and they should never have been mingled and confused as they were by the judge .
24 Draper 's own favourite records of the moment were by the Brazilian guitarist Egberto Gismonti , Joni Mitchell and the virtuoso jazz pianist Keith Jarrett .
25 ‘ Whatever you think , Dutch Intelligence are convinced they 'll try , and we do n't want to be caught with our trousers down like we were by the Nazis . ’
26 Young people whom we knew to be honest , stung as we were by the sufferings of our Fatherland , lived convinced that Cuba 's independence was a Yankee gift and that our denunciations of national oppression were simply ways of serving an idea that they considered to be ‘ anti-Cuban ’ ( ‘ Reflexiones ante un aniversario ’ , Hoy , 29 July 1959 , p. 1 , cited in Farber : 1983 , p. 61 ) .
27 The structure of universities in Germany , France , Britain and the USA was very different , but everywhere they were by the end of the century centres of scientific research , while at the beginning of it they had mostly been very marginal to it .
28 Many are indicated by dedications , but the circular churchyards , oratories , holy wells and inscribed memorial stones and crosses all indicate how widespread such Christian sites were by the time of the Norman Conquest .
29 He was indifferent to the house , indeed almost disliked the grander parts of it , preferring the fire in the hall where he could drink his dram in company with his dogs as if he were by the croft hearth of his childhood .
30 Then we were by the counter and through the glass I saw a feathered corpse , twisted to show its plumpness .
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