Example sentences of "have [been] seen " in BNC.

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1 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , you have been seen doing circuit training with Korchnoi and the Brighton and Hove Albion football team .
2 The current excavations are the first time that the theatre 's remains have been seen since that destruction .
3 Viewing the text in this way raises the question of the containment of transgression , since both play and pamphlet have been seen to move toward a closure which contains — even eradicates — their challenging elements .
4 Perhaps the most dramatic reactions against central state planning and a willingness to experiment with market forces have been seen in China , the USSR , Poland , and Hungary .
5 Bottlenose and hump-backed dolphins have been seen chasing off shark predators and even killing them , but packs of killer whales can encircle and trap a school of dolphins with a curtain of sound , before selecting a few hapless victims .
6 The obvious benefits have been seen in videotapes showing missiles and bombs hitting targets with extreme precision .
7 ‘ This is particularly true in the area of the trial , which is close to Peldon , where resistant strains of blackgrass have been seen for a number of years .
8 We must check to see whether the lady 's slipper survived the winter — only six species of orchids have been seen this year .
9 Other gelada males without harems have been seen to sit watching such a fight .
10 Girls have been seen in Italy , spinning with spindles over a balcony , while their sisters sat knitting below , which lends support to such a theory .
11 The contents are secret and have been seen in their entirety by very few officers below the rank of Assistant Chief Constable .
12 The windsurfing concept is not limited to use on the water and in recent years windsurfing sails have been seen on land , snow and ice .
13 These have been seen as appropriate developments from the teaching in the Bible .
14 Recent court cases where the victims of rape have been seen by judges as contributing to the crime through their ‘ negligence ’ — for example hitch-hiking alone — are not likely to act as an encouragement for other victims to report such offences .
15 These changes , implemented in 1984 , might in themselves have been seen as distinctly advantageous .
16 The corporations are imposed by central government and are given powers of land and development that have been seen as ‘ staggering ’ ( Cullingworth , 1985 , p. 282 ) .
17 Small parties are quite often noted and gatherings of 50 or more have been seen ; the largest in recent years was of 200 off Pett Level on 7 February 1965 .
18 In winter Great Crested Grebes are most common on the sea , particularly in Rye Bay , where up to 500 have been seen together ( 20 February 1949 ) .
19 More recently the largest concentrations noted there were about 200 on 4 December 1967 , and 30 December 1968 , and concentrations of up to 150 have been seen off the coast between Brighton and Rottingdean .
20 But several parties have been seen , the largest of which was of 80 puffinus off Beachy head on 9 May 1975 .
21 Most are recorded at the coast , particularly in the western harbours and at Rye Harbour , but inland records are frequent from autumn to spring , and up to 65 have been seen at Chichester gravel pits .
22 Although up to eight have been seen in one year , Bitterns are not annual in Sussex .
23 There are a number of old records , mainly of single birds , although parties of about 10 birds have been seen twice ; des Forges and Harber give one or two for May , one for August , three for September , several for October , and two or three for November .
24 Otherwise fewer than 20 have been seen in any year since 1947 , except 1968 , when 34 passed east up the coast off Pevensey on 7 March , the largest party noted in the county since 1938 .
25 The severe winters of 1955/56 ( 166 recorded ) and 1962/63 ( 165 recorded ) are the only winters in which substantial numbers have been seen .
26 Parties have been seen flying up the Channel , presumably on migration , twice in April ( 4th , 1961 , and 7th , 1969 ) , and once in March ( 30th , 1971 ) .
27 Except in 1953 , when a party of 67 was seen , not more than about 25 birds have been seen in any year since 1947 , and it is of interest that influxes have not occurred in recent severe winters .
28 Most birds have been seen in December , January or February , but there is one record for October ( 30th , 1949 , Sidlesham ) , one for November , three for March , and one for April , of a bird which stayed at Pagham Harbour from 18 March to 3 April 1962 .
29 Birds have been seen in every month except June and August , and commonly make prolonged stays .
30 Most have been seen at Chichester gravel pits , but the species may occur on any stretch of fresh water .
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