Example sentences of "have [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Garages have fill of crime
2 I know my body bulge is in the wrong places and I know I have signs of ageing , I was reminded even this morning by a close friend about my grey hairs , which I do n't give too hoops about
3 The insurers now have groups of approved repairers and it is often easier for a customer to use those , than to go off and find their own repairer .
4 There will be around in the room when they 're doing this any six research students who have experience with the equipment , and a lecturer , and the school teacher who was involved in planning that day 's work .
5 The scholarship is open to those aged 21–30 with Wine and Spirit Higher Certificate or equivalent and who have been in full-time employment in the catering industry for at least two years or have experience of direct sales in on-licensed premises .
6 The basic principle is so to organise teaching that children have experience of producing written language across these various forms .
7 Many employers follow traditional lines by filling posts with staff who have experience of the particular work .
8 But all people have experience of negative emotions such as fear and anger .
9 Many people have experience of this from gorging sessions in childhood .
10 Members of the Advisory Committee are drawn deliberately not only from those who have experience of the system , for example , former panel members , but also from people who have not previously been involved in the Children 's Hearing system at all .
11 As a general rule , it can be said that those who have experience of flying fixed-wing models will find helicopters more difficult to fly than those who are starting from scratch .
12 A recent survey by the bank has discovered that people who have experience of unemployment before becoming self-employed tend to do better than those who give up a job to do so .
13 Perhaps most important of all , checklists draw upon the knowledge of people who have experience of the child under ordinary , everyday conditions .
14 Besides a first degree and at least two years ' subsequent relevant experience , you 'll need to be familiar with all standard SEM techniques , and have experience of either EDS microanalysis or cyrological work .
15 Moreover , they go on , even areas of the curriculum outside the specialist mainstream , like careers education , remedial work or vocational preparation , should only be undertaken by teachers who already have experience of teaching a specialist subject .
16 We all have experience of family life but it is dangerous to generalize on the basis of it , especially since contemporary Britain is an ethnically varied society and one with considerable regional disparities .
17 When the views of those who have experience of residential care are taken into account , and when the finding that fostering does not necessarily prove a permanent solution for young people in care is assimilated , then residential care is at least equal in its advantages to foster care .
18 I 'm I 'm really going to erm I afraid I have experience of
19 Particularly in Southeast Asia , China and South America , there is a whole group interested in buying art who neither have experience of buying at auction nor understand our role as agents acting on behalf of buyers and sellers .
20 Almost half of them have experience of the joys of a threesome , while more of them have seen live sex shows than men in other categories .
21 I am in the process of compiling a book on old fashioned remedies for horse ailments and am writing to ask if any of your readers have experience of any , and would they be kind enough to pass them on for possible publication .
22 After all , they have experience of visiting local firms and training schemes and they are best placed to make judgements about quality .
23 I have experience of teaching French as part of an interdisciplinary degree course in which the study of 1 or 2 modern languages is combined with ( inter alia ) history and/or literature and/or linguistics .
24 Regan ( 1977 ) complains about the lack of statistics on their background but says there are still some subject areas where inspectors only have experience of grammar and independent schools .
25 But it is good to know they have experience of farming and intend to make it a proper home and keep cattle .
26 Cross-addiction ensures that the weaker Fellowships receive support from members who have experience of stronger Fellowships but it may nonetheless at times be more helpful for a newcomer to receive slightly less individual identification but gain the experience of a stronger Fellowship .
27 An increasing number of these teachers already have experience of peripatetic , school-based work on behaviour problems ( Lane 1978 , Coulby and Harper 1985 ) .
28 Time is limited and the pilot has therefore been restricted to those centrally-funded institutions which have been audited ( either by CNAA ) or by degree-awarding institution ) and which also have experience of offering SCOTVEC awards .
29 Highways made the point that the yellow-line alterations and refuge islands are based on the present stop positions and they would prefer that these not be altered until we have experience of the new arrangements in operation .
30 This is designed for students who have experience of employment in the fields of social and public policy and wish to increase their understanding of the policy process .
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