Example sentences of "were [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And only two — Joshua and Caleb — were to enjoy the promised land .
2 More specifically , they were to support the Conservative party as being the most likely to tum back the revolutionary tide .
3 My hypothesis is that there is a space for a socialist argument in favour of investment planning ; that such an argument could be presented in such a way as to appeal to organised labour and even to broader strata of the population concerned about employment prospects and their standard of living in retirement ; that if organised workers were to support the proposal they could use their union organisation to press for social accountability of their savings funds ; and that if the proposals were not linked to a ‘ dogmatic ’ pursuit of nationalisation they would stand a chance of recruiting some support from the more progressive elements of the state and corporate salariat — those whose technical expertise would be required in any such project , even if it is overlaid with oppressive ‘ professional ’ and ‘ managerial ’ ideologies — helping to isolate , so far as possible , reactionary financier elements .
4 Although the decent instinct of many was to support the weaker side in a wholly legitimate quest for independence , their public utterances , alas , were to support the side which in their view was the more important to British interests .
5 Diocletian ( reigned 284–305 ) was one of five sons of Illyrian peasants who were to wear the imperial purple .
6 We were to mount a dummy attack on the R.A.F. airfield at Heliopolis , just outside Cairo , a distance of about a hundred miles across open desert … .
7 If we were to mount a performance of this ballet , we would know , thanks to the livret , exactly how many dancers were needed and what roles they would play ; the musical forces are , regrettably , another matter .
8 I mean there are some people in Britain who feel that if we were to mount a really effective counter-terrorist operation .
9 Thus , despite several unscheduled sessions of talks between the two leaders , the only concessions offered by Gorbachev during the course of his visit were to acknowledge the nature of the dispute , to promise a reduction in the level of Soviet forces stationed in the territories — currently one 10,000-strong army division and 40 MiG-23 aircraft — and to allow visa-free travel between Japan and the disputed islands .
10 It was also announced that the MoD were to optimise the development value of Hullavington , probably offering it for a large housing development .
11 Conversely , if United States shippers were to sue the carriers in Great Britain , where most of the sources of information on the defendants ' diligence and assets were located , they would be bound by exemption clauses that the United States courts had voided .
12 The objectives were to hit the main source of supplies to the Vietcong and to undermine the morale of the North Vietnamese people .
13 If the content of a putatively infallible belief is merely that things are looking that way to me now , there is clearly less room for error than if I were to risk the belief that that way is pink .
14 And if it meant that Senna were to lose the championship , then the legal ramifications would be far-reaching .
15 Moreover , if she were to enforce a purely nationalist policy in respect of nuclear matters in Scotland , that could have consequences that she would regret — because the quantity of Scottish fuel reprocessed at Sellafield is vastly greater than the amount of overseas fuel brought to Dounreay .
16 Events were to confirm the bishops ' implied intent to oppose the granting of divorce as a civil right .
17 During the first few days that Mr Reynolds was in hospital the main aims of his care were to confirm the diagnosis of carcinoma of the rectum , and to ensure that both Mr and Mrs Reynolds understood the implications of this .
18 But Clive Lawton , head of educational services , said there was still a long way to go , and he warned against being carried away with a good idea if it were to impoverish the rest of the scheme .
19 Lawyer B also needed to maintain the good will of the local County Court if he were to remain a success .
20 Whatever the causes of construction delays , they were to remain a persistent and seemingly insoluble problem , not only for the electricity supply industry but for a wide range of other British industries embarking on such large capital projects for decades thereafter .
21 The northern fens were to remain the preserve of fishers and fowlers for another 150 years .
22 Although an earlier check with the weather office predicted a favourable wind for that evening , it did not materialize and conditions were to remain the same the following day when only one Spitfire was delivered by F/C Heering who had flown direct from Brize Norton .
23 He chose Ottery as the place in which to found a religious community , and in 1337 obtained the king 's licence to make the church a collegiate foundation , whose members were to include a warden , a minister , a chanter , and eight choral vicars .
24 The plans were to include a vestry , church parlour , toilets and classrooms and the estimated cost was placed at £15,000 .
25 In December 1839 , schools were to be established for the use of workmen in the Company 's employ ; in June 1840 , these were to include a reading room .
26 And if self aware role modelling in medicine were to include a declared abstention from all the quiet words , phone calls , and fixings of the present highly selective mechanisms of patronage then the expectations of medical students and junior doctors , especially women and those from ethnic minorities , could be transformed , perhaps within only a generation or two .
27 By 1513 , the dispute had grown to such proportions that , before the Battle of Flodden , when James IV challenged the Earl of Surrey to single-handed combat to decide their two nations ' grievances , the rewards to the victor were to include the return of the town of Berwick to Scotland , and the removal of the Esk fish garth .
28 Even if we were to include the value attributed to armaments in PP4 we would only arrive at a total of 21,019 .
29 Civil rights were to include the freedom to join labour unions , the right to strike and the right to expect equal opportunity in employment irrespective of gender , race or creed .
30 Their festivals were to be a commemoration of God 's acts and even some of their clothes were to carry a reminder : ‘ Into this tassel you shall work a violet thread , and whenever you see this in the tassel , you shall remember all the Lord 's commands and obey them . ’
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