Example sentences of "were [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Edward came to Corfe from a hunt , and while his attendants were seeing to the dogs she allured him to her with female blandishment and made him lean forward . ’
2 They they were experimenting to erm reproduce a space what it 's like in space when erm debris since the space shuttle and then er
3 Suddenly they met burnt chip contamination and had to shut down the production line , a major anxiety as they were producing to a tight schedule in a ‘ Just in time ’ situation .
4 Her hands were sticking to the wheel .
5 ‘ That week orchestras around the world programmed the Adagietto as an elegy to Lenny 's memory , ’ Kaplan recalls , ‘ and while the precedent had been set by Bernstein himself [ he had conducted the movement at a memorial service for Koussevitzky and later at the funeral of US Senator Robert Kennedy ] , I was afraid that these ultra-slow , sad performances were helping to a trend into a false tradition . ’
6 Investigations came hot on the heels of the new sound and realistic films and by the time of The Public Enemy and Scarface things were building to a crescendo .
7 Then , noting that clouds were building to the west , he took his afternoon walk about the fashionable quarter of Brussels .
8 At the same time , events across the North Sea were building to a crisis .
9 As the 1980s were drawing to their close , The West Highlander — not to be confused with the BR-promoted summer steam service of the same name running between Fort William and Mallaig — emerged as the Charter Unit 's most successful train , achieving an average load factor of 87 per cent .
10 Well , the two weeks were drawing to a close and we rounded the point of Sørkapp ( South Cape ) and headed back towards Longyearbyen .
11 Most of those leaving the cities have had to buy their way out if they wanted to live in environmentally more-attractive areas that , particularly in the south of England and — to some extent — increasingly elsewhere , were proving to be the most economically active .
12 The support operations in the gilt-edged market were proving to be an awkward commitment for the authorities .
13 It is to these factors , rather than to artillery itself , that we should turn if we wish to see which arms were proving to be of the greatest significance in the war .
14 The increase in the dividend and presumably the optimistic implication about the bank 's future earning ability or the possibility that past investment policies were proving to be injudicious ?
15 But the first public glimpses of the charter were proving to be a disappointment .
16 As she knelt there , water soaking into her furs , it seemed to her that the masks were singing to her .
17 The temple bells were clanging to their climax as Ramlal hurried past the door , clutching his precious document , and laughing to himself at the thought that the God had got nothing from him at all .
18 It was as if the energies within my brain and body were reacting to the energies within the crypt and a flowing , pulsing feeling of warmth came over me , somewhat similar to my feeling after a session of Reichian therapy .
19 I was constantly hearing that people were reacting to all this technology , expressing a wish to go back to basics with a simple bow , a look at the wind , an arrow loosed into the heavens and a hope that with luck it might hit the target .
20 It also shows that , when Russian enterprises reacted to the reforms by jacking up prices and withholding output , they were not doing so because they could not adapt to the bewildering change around them ; they were reacting to the incentives they faced , which said that goods were stores of value while money was not .
21 He said they were reacting to public pressure , and that the majority of people did not support Sunday opening .
22 They each knew what they were bringing to the project .
23 The hunters had forfeited their title to the past , and now they were bringing to its remains less care than their wives and mothers took with rinsing , smoothing , and conserving for re-use scraps of brown paper or lengths of string .
24 now the avoidance of doubt , when you 've got to another aspect of the case quite different , namely the claim for special damages , you were suggesting to Mr that there , there was a deliberate attempt to and after all whereas you might not like my er use of the to swing on to the Daily Telegraph
25 While the SAS were returning to Jalo a battle was raging and the Eighth Army was in retreat back to the Egyptian frontier .
26 ‘ The captain fed us bits of information about decompression and what to do , and after 10 minutes we were told we were returning to Birmingham because of a shattered windscreen on the aircraft .
27 Mark , 26 , Cindy Kibble 27 , and Debbie Hunter , 26 , were returning to homes in Devon and Cornwall from Germany when their Toyota Corolla went out of control in sleet on the M4 motorway in Berkshire .
28 In two weeks of December the number of male vagrants had risen to 371 , which included 252 ex-soldiers , and the master was of the opinion that the increase was due to the fact that many of the unemployed in London were returning to their own towns through the casual wards .
29 Lots of people were returning to the hut , but lots were going on to the Ober Gabelhorn .
30 The last gulls and guillemots were returning to their ledges , and a cormorant flew low over the water , hurrying to return home before nightfall .
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