Example sentences of "were [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 What is the point of arguing that justified belief is impossible , for if you were right there could be no reasons for your conclusion ?
2 And er certainly Amanda who who 's on strike then you know I mean they do n't get equal pay the women the the the three women that came out I mean one of them 's gone back an Amanda and Helen you know I mean they they were on they were on terribly low wages .
3 And when I found out after a bit of dressing-room chat what the other lads were on I had to make a point .
4 ‘ They were mostly what you and he had improvised , ’ I pointed out .
5 The afternoons were mostly her own .
6 He believed jungles were somewhere you went for revelation .
7 The thinning veil of cloud eddied in a gust of wind , and suddenly we were below it , looking down on to the flat roofs of a town spread out in a broad valley of rain-washed green .
8 Peter Fallon , owner of the Gallery Press and Katherine 's literary agent , says of Dr Kavanagh : ‘ Because he 'd devoted certain energies to Patrick , he acted as if the man were entirely his .
9 As a final stroke , Charles divided Aquitaine into countships , the customary Frankish mode of government , placing the command with men from north of the river Loire , who were entirely his own .
10 I replied that of course such decisions were entirely his prerogative , then I fell into a musing mood and sought to recall something Rosa had asked me the previous week about English social customs .
11 He wondered if Heather , sitting in the same chair and gazing at the same view , had somehow bequeathed to him this reaction , or if it were entirely his own , a product of the self-pity Kingdom had identified .
12 There , there clearly were a , a , a group , not j the warlords but underneath them a set of landlords who were extremely you , you , you 've got this gentry who are probably screwing the peasantry .
13 Not that you were dissimulating unfelt emotions : you were merely their translator , and you transcended those emotions , imparting to them that furnace heat which makes a work of genius give off light if it is brought to the desired temperature .
14 Thus Barthes 's account of wrestling does not seem so strange and unlikely as if it were merely his own and there were no alternative account against which his was implicitly juxtaposed .
15 And when they were inside she said in a different voice , ‘ What is going on between you and that girl ? ’
16 It was fun living in a flat because once you were inside there were no stairs and everything was in about two feet 's distance .
17 Mungo wished he were inside it , cosy in the leather-smell under the drumming roof .
18 The band themselves , whoever , were apparently none to impressed by Mellor , to the point that they did n't even bother showing up for their own party !
19 With her were only her private secretary and the ever-present detective .
20 Originally there were only what are now called provinces , but over the years the largest cities have grown in importance and have become self-governing .
21 And this was out of a you know er I mean they were only what Oh could n't be more than about six eight people working in the Well not actually fitters but er you know , they were involved within the shop sort of thing .
22 cabbage , savoy cabbage , carrots and he 'd cu cut them like I always cut them cos they were only them little baby carrots so , what I do I slice them down
23 She had been born in Edinburgh but only mad chance because I think that the family were only there a short time .
24 It were always fit and we were only there a fortnight , three weeks disappeared .
25 cos there were only you and Marion were n't there and we knew somebody else would be kicked out .
26 It were only his .
27 If this were so one would expect measures of inter-hemispheric transmission time to remain roughly constant for the same stimuli and subjects , yet this does not appear to be the case ( Bashore , 1981 ) .
28 These early nautiloids were probably predators also , and if this were so they may have been the first rapidly moving , efficient hunters in the sea .
29 I often think er and then of course you see if , if they er the airmen , their wives used to try and get er digs near where the aerodromes were so they could see their menfolk .
30 Here is an extract from the minutes of January 10 : ‘ J Peeke brought to the attention of the committee that she only had one set of keys , not two like stated at the Christmas Party when a councillor asked where the Space Invaders keys were so they could have a few free games . ’
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