Example sentences of "were [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Bollards , decks and railings were ripped up .
2 They said whole fields were ripped up into the air !
3 The floorboards of the house were ripped up , and there they were .
4 Perhaps it was better in the days when the stars were ripped off , fucked about , had no grip on their affairs .
5 The air-conditioning ducts serving his quarters and bureaux as well as the politburo 's chamber and other appropriate parts of the building were ripped out in a most difficult , complicated exercise .
6 Italian and other styles were ripped out of their European context when , during the 1980s , it became permissible for young people in Britain , and most significantly young men , to be interested in fashion on a scale undreamed of in the 60s and the 70s .
7 By now we were careering round some Kentish country lanes near Swanley .
8 A band of children were careering about , playing tig .
9 ‘ The anti-aircraft rockets I fired were propelled up to a height of 1,000 yards .
10 Extraordinary as the two operations were , they were propelled along by the belief of many players — both principals and walkers-on — — that the ends were just .
11 Or maybe a process of natural selection had winnowed out the overworked and discontented , the theoretical and jaded and left the few who were propelled back to the school by the same affection , curiosity and remembered enthusiasm that had drawn us .
12 Citizenship rights were developed along with liberal government due to modernisation and protest in order to obtain a greater degree of participation .
13 Gloucester were roared out and that was where the hospitality finished .
14 Perhaps they were gazing up here quite absently and speculatively , as I did on Monday .
15 Even the hardened faggots of Manhattan ( I fancied ) were gazing down at us with concern from their lofts and condos and thinking — we 're pretty brazen , God knows , but these guys , they 'll queer the whole pitch .
16 Were those dark eyes that were gazing down at her really Guido 's ?
17 And if the base of the wall could not be penetrated , movable towers were built which could be wheeled up to attack the wall from without ; in the longer sieges , such as that of Antioch during the First Crusade , fixed towers were erected over against the walls to harry the defenders and enable a watch to be kept on them .
18 Along the edge of the plain the outriders that Burun had planted were galloping back to join the main body .
19 WE were spat on , sworn at and manhandled , but victory at the end of the day was ours .
20 In a fiery encounter , he claimed that on five occasions his players were grabbed by the testicles and , on more than one occasion , were spat on by their opponents .
21 Returning soldiers were spat on as they walked off their planes and the Death Valley sized rift that ensued still causes tensions among many .
22 When at last he spoke , the words were spat out in sharp interrogation .
23 Times have changed dramatically for the worse in Wales , a condition brought on as much as anything by the masochistic fixture-making which has brought about so much contact between the countries since the Welsh were blacked out in the 1987 World Cup semi-final .
24 With a heavy heart , Robert followed her towards the smooth , mysterious features of the house , whose windows , on this side , he could now see , were blacked out from the inside .
25 Satellite reports confirmed that over three hundred armoured carriers were parked around the perimeter of the city ; large sections of the capital were blacked out and quiet after hours of gunfire and arson attacks .
26 Events were shaping up faster and worse than I could have expected .
27 Two boys were remanded in to the care of the local authority by Leeds youth court last night .
28 We hung over the rim and were stared back at by our reflections , horribly deformed in the cracks of the thin ice .
29 This gave him a pang of disappointment ; however , in view of the providence they were enjoying in so many other respects , he did not allow the feeling to pierce him long .
30 Got to the other end and I think we were unloading in about an hour and a half or so .
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