Example sentences of "an old [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then I rode it in a in an old Burberry and I do n't how I started it , I think it was kick start .
2 Diana , wearing an old primrose suit by her favourite designer Katherine Walker , was totally indifferent to her husband as they walked across the tarmac .
3 She stepped off the plane wearing an old primrose Catherine Walker number which last saw the light of day five years ago .
4 This is an old trestle-table Ernest found in the workroom at the back , when he opened up the house again .
5 Why spend a week 's wages on a kite , a lot more on the line(s) then insult the lot by wrapping those lines around an old cocoa tin — or worse , around the handle in a bulky bundle ?
6 And conditions were still at just about the same , but it had been an old hotel , so all the rooms at the top were left just as the bedrooms would have been , so you went up and down steps , and along corridors .
7 We went into the lounge bar of an old hotel beside the subway station .
8 Still encased in the net , I was dropped on the ground as if I were an old plank .
9 Children came out to play see-saw with an old plank they had found at the roadside .
10 It was to be her home for a year , sharing it initially with Laura Greig , an old schoolchum and now one of her ladies-in-waiting , and Sophie Kimball , the daughter of the then Conservative Member of Parliament , Marcus Kimball .
11 His principles , those of an old title , are contrasted with Lord Minchampstead 's , those of a new one ; the latter are economic , not religious , and are rooted in self-interest rather than charity .
12 It was — is , I should say — an old concern , going back to the days of coastal ketches and collier brigs , and was founded by the great-grandfather of the present chairman to bring coal from the Tyne to London .
13 She reached for an old brass key .
14 The fire probably started in a rubbish dump , above an old strip mine a few miles east of the town , in May 1962 .
15 But I was gon na tell you about there was one day I was at for money and I 'm coming up the road , and here this chap was standing in the road and er kind of thumbing a lift , so I says to him , I stopped and I often lift people in the road but er after he got into the , I had an old Bradford van at the time , and he said er , I said to him , I says , are you on a hiking holiday ?
16 It was as cold as an old grave .
17 They said it was an old grave , nobody knows who 's it is .
18 In his " Tales of the West Highlands , he mentions the discovery of combs and brooches of a peculiar form … similar brooches are commonly found in Denmark … and I own a pair found in an old grave in Islay , together with an amber bead .
19 An old Bakelite telephone responds with a crackling dial tone .
20 In fact the combination of an old stimulus in a new environment produced more rapid learning than any other arrangement .
21 It showed an old cottage , with woods behind and a sandy beach in front .
22 The cart stopped beside an old cottage near the edge of the mainland .
23 An old cottage !
24 The Noisette roses are an old cottage garden favourite of yesteryear , consisting of repeat and perpetual flowering climbers , invariably of considerable beauty .
25 The house is an old cottage .
26 By chance he said there was an old cottage up here .
27 It comes from an old cottage garden just round where I .
28 The chickens for which Tess was responsible lived in an old cottage on Mrs d'Urberville 's land .
29 The group came to a halt outside an old cottage on the front .
30 an old cottage on the top .
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