Example sentences of "we can [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ As sure as we can be , ’ said Milsom .
2 We can be very sure that the story-telling with which Leonard grew up — from grandparents , parents and Hebrew teachers — never failed to emphasise this aspect of his heritage ; never failed to add to his sense of duty and destiny .
3 If you 've had similar experiences , please write to Esther Rantzen at ‘ That 's Life ’ , BBC Television , Lime Grove Studios , London W12 7RJ , or to Miss M Boothroyd , ‘ The Dog House ’ , Good luck with the campaign ; if we can be of any further help , let us know .
4 We can be certain that the designer of Class AA ( an undergraduate student ) did not read your article in Wireless World unless it was translated into Japanese ; he can not , read , write or speak English .
5 The biggest nonsense is the belief that we can be physically immortal , if only we believe it .
6 At the same time , we can be certain , because a full account is published , that our gifts go to the missions where they are most needed , are received with gratitude and reciprocated with prayers .
7 Perfect we can not be , either by accident or ignorance ( like your sweet ignorance , little one ) , or by strenuous effort ; but we can be so near perfection that , from our present and ordinary level , that nearness would seem perfection itself .
8 But though desire determines actions in this way , there nevertheless is , argues Hobbes , a sense in which we can be free .
9 If we can be of any assistance to you in finding another job , please do n't hesitate to shout .
10 We can be thankful for that . ’
11 We can not prevent old age , but we can be aware of its side effects ; we can prevent over-attached dog relationships — and prevention is always better than a cure .
12 ‘ With the bikes we can be on the road in 15 minutes .
13 We can be in danger of saying or feeling that bereavement is something that happens to everyone else , and that ‘ those people ’ need support , but we are perfectly able to manage on our own .
14 On other occasions something datable may by chance have been left with the hoard , as with the hoard of gold and silver coins deposited during the English Civil War at Breckenbrough in North Yorkshire ; the pot in which the hoards were found also contained two receipts for requisitioned cheese dating to 17 January 1644 , so we can be confident that the hoard was deposited in the run-up to the Battle of Marston Moor in July of that year .
15 We can be heard all over Donegal and Northern Ireland , and now we 're getting fan letters from the west coast of Scotland .
16 So now we can be real friends . ’
17 But we can be fairly confident , as a starting-point , that Rizzio , Darnley and Bothwell , chief actors in the drama of the last two years of her personal rule , are at best only a part of the explanation .
18 If we can be reasonably confident about what the world is like , it is because our different perceptions , and the perceptions of different people , are consistent , and , most important , because if we test our perceptions they are usually confirmed : if I see a pile of books on a table , then there are tangible books - when I walk over to them .
19 What marks out Pascal is his refusal of the illusion that we can be merely rational , while yet insisting that reasoning be pushed to its limits .
20 That way we can be sure it 's safe ! ’
21 ‘ The results show that we can be 99 per cent certain that these are the remains of Josef Mengele rather than the remains of someone who coincidentally had precisely the same genetic makeup . ’
22 It is worth considering that hands long formed to the sword , reins , shield and other military accoutrements become stiffened and calloused and it may be that the use of a small stylus or quill was physically difficult for Charles ; we can be in no doubt about his energy and intelligence .
23 We can be free of old prejudices and class barriers .
24 Puzzles remain , even though we can be certain of the rudiments of the story .
25 It is the beliefs of which we can be most certain , Newman argues , that play the least significant part in our lives .
26 I think we can be informal , do n't you ?
27 I 'm beginning to be quite confident that we were right , though it will be some years before we can be really certain we 've made the breakthrough .
28 If there is any problem on the day , or you need to find us , we can be contacted on 0860 340755 .
29 ( In some cases we can be more specific and assert that the associative mechanism in question must be that responsible for acquired equivalence .
30 ‘ The Queen has given Jamaica independence from Great Britain now , so we can be our own country by ourselves . ’
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