Example sentences of "we might [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 On the basis of experience then , we recognise types of communicative events which take place against the background of a mass of below-conscious expectations also based on past experience which we might summarise , following van Dijk ( 1977 : 99 ) , as ‘ the ASSUMED NORMALITY of the world .
2 We might 've been , might be pleasantly surprised with these .
3 Of course , we might dream of questions ,
4 We might send an official to have a chat with Mr Cackett but more likely we will talk to the athlete about defacing her uniform . ’
5 Although there were more than 100 British nationals killed in the accident there was no provision at that time for a State with such an interest to participate , but knowing that the minister was bound to be asked by MPs in the House what arrangements there were for investigating the cause of death of so many UK citizens I telephoned my old friend Michel Vigier in paris with a formal request that we might send a UK observer .
6 Oh flowers Yeah I was going to say , I thought we might send flowers to her maybe on Thursday or Friday .
7 We might sit on our anger , our sadness , our jealousy , our resentment , our fears , our hurt — even our love , joy and exuberance .
8 Being honest about our motivation is crucial since , at this stage , we might discover that it is not our own Dream at all , or that our motivation is somewhat dubious : ‘ It will impress my friends ’ , ‘ It will be one in the eye for my parents ’ , ‘ It will ease my sense of guilt ’ , ‘ It will make me feel more secure ’ , ‘ It will give me power over other people ’ , ‘ It will make me feel special ’ , ‘ It 's what my partner keeps suggesting I do ’ , ‘ It 's the opposite of what my partner suggests I do . ’
9 The ‘ heroic lays , which the Beowulf -poet knew and alluded to sound very fine from his allusions , but if we had them we might discover that the fascination came from his art , not theirs .
10 We might mention , in particular , a rather striking point which somehow seems to have escaped notice and comment ; it too is understandable on the account of postnominal adjectives advanced here .
11 Now from a creature of five senses , we might aspire to that creature that Voltaire conceived of that had a hundred senses .
12 It would be too easy to let ourselves get carried away , do something we might regret later . ’
13 ‘ Before we say things we might regret . ’
14 They were ready to move on the appointed day and , at the end of the summer , they would begin the trek back to the village on their own , as soon as they smelt the smoke of the bonfires in which the thatch and the bedding from the shielings were destroyed , for reasons which today we might classify as ‘ environmental health ’ , but which , to the young folk of the shieling , was almost a ritual .
15 No such event occurs in Shakespeare , of course , and my use of this model is meant to stimulate thought about how we might classify the many shifts between verse and prose that take place in Shakespeare , most frequently in the middle-period plays .
16 So far as I can see , there are about 16m private motorists ; 10m I would like to insure , and I think we might end up insuring 3m . ’
17 ‘ If they stopped shouting ‘ Jobson out , Murphy out ’ and started supporting the team , we might end up winning a few games . ’
18 We see we see this forum as very much the right sort of forum for either making or breaking the case for a new settlement , the one thing I do have to say , however , is that the Department wants to see this particular issue settled in the context of the alteration , and full significance of that is n't immediately apparent , it , what we do n't want to see is what was envisaged in the H B F statement , where they thought that we might end up with a decision to have a new settlement in principle and then leave it open to the local plans , all four of them around the city , to then explore the possible alternative locations .
19 ‘ Any more of this and I think we might end up regretting it ! ’
20 And I ca n't help thinking that we might end up with a sort of repeat of the sort of situation that 's occurred at Octavius Atkinson site which is erm mentioned in the erm the paper tabled this morning , whereby er a sort of market-led approach which puts a lot of pressure on the local authorities may be at the expense of the planning-led approach to erm deciding where development should most appropriately go .
21 By capturing it , we might hope to resolve sub-millimetre details of the solar surface !
22 Or we might hope to define justification in terms of knowledge .
23 Third , and of more practical importance , we now knew where to look for any further changes ; by being able to concentrate on IMHV and LPO and discard ‘ irrelevant ’ tissue we might hope to magnify any effect we were studying by diminishing background noise .
24 I do not blame the Opposition for not understanding the issues as fully as we might hope , but , given their new-found support and desire for everything European , I thought that they might have developed a better understanding .
25 This is in contrast to the relatively high esteem in which data and information management is currently held , and if we are optimistic we might hope that by associating work on computer systems with the control of paper , we might raise the DROs ’ prestige within government .
26 So long as the Americans are only afraid that we might land on this island , and do n't know we 're already here , they will pay no attention to our activities .
27 Auguste Comte , the so-called ‘ founder ’ of sociology , who stressed the adoption of a scientific method of analysing society so that we might improve society through a thorough understanding of it , summed up in his famous phrase , ‘ To know , to predict , to control . ’
28 Also , if you have any comments on the booklet or can think of ways that we might improve it , we 'd be pleased to hear from you .
29 We 'd be very grateful if you 'd let us know what you think of the magazine and the ways in which we might improve it .
30 We might 'ave 'ad another funeral , ’ she wept .
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