Example sentences of "we can [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The public is becoming aware that we can cater for all financial needs , from cheque books to travel insurance .
2 ‘ The public is becoming aware that we can cater for all financial needs , from cheque books to travel insurance .
3 We can estimate that total market demand for electrical goods will rise by ( 2.0 O 4% ) = 8% next year to 1.08 O $5 million = $5,400,000 .
4 First , I want to discuss whether there is any way in which we can estimate how long is required for evolution .
5 We can estimate this time by comparing molecular sequences in the two species .
6 If we make the ( unrealistic ) assumption that , in driving some variables to integer values , the other variable values do not change much , we can estimate the optimal objective function value of the integer down-problem created by branching on at node k to be where z k is the optimal objective function value of LPk .
7 We can estimate when equation ( 1 ) will be applicable when crystals are growing in the boundary layer by an approximate analysis of local conditions .
8 Since only adults set up households , all those who will do so in the next 15 years are alive now , and we can estimate accurately how many will actually be alive in each age group — except perhaps for the oldest age groups — for at least that period ahead .
9 There will be sources of error in participant-observation and in face-to-face interviews , but they are complementary ; by combining both methods , we can estimate the degree and direction of error in our final statement of the rules of the vernacular .
10 Given the data on b , w e , x 1 , x 2 , z and unemployment duration and the above assumptions on the functional forms , this technique allows calculation of optimal reservation wages across individuals , provided we can estimate the vacancy wage distribution f(w) a priori .
11 That is , we can estimate the following equation : where the γ i 's are the coefficients to be estimated and is a zero mean , constant variance , random error .
12 Although CD-A has only been available commercially since 1983 , we can estimate its likely performance over ten years and use a mix of actual and projected penetrations in our analysis .
13 However we can apply something that will trick known as the quoick transformation right , that will enable us right , to convert what is an infinite stream of previous prices into something that we can estimate , right , just has a very few number of parameters right .
14 So we can estimate this model although we 've got a couple of problems that we 'll come to later on , but nevertheless it 's essentially estimatable .
15 From such a snapshot study , we can estimate the prevalence of deafness in , for instance , different age/sex categories .
16 The principle we can distil from this is that thoughts precede actions .
17 If a major campaign is being planned , we can outline the best sites in towns and cities throughout the province .
18 If we do not turn up for work , we are likely to get the sack , but in our private worlds we can dream our lives away at home , church or play .
19 We can dream !
20 Although the experiences of strange creatures in a strange setting may be highly imaginative , they become dramatic only when we can identify with them emotionally .
21 If we can identify the likely areas , we shall be able to take our photographs to them first . ’
22 Through the autobiographies we can identify the economic position of 72 grand-parents .
23 We can identify a number of interlocking and mutually reinforcing reasons why the situation prevails .
24 Under this general heading we can identify perhaps seven composite programmes , which in some way are designed to enhance urban physical and/or economic development .
25 Developing Ambrose 's ( 1986 ) excellent analysis of this problem , we can identify four major interest groups or agencies whose status has been substantially altered as a result of UDCs , and in particular the LDDC : central government , local government , developers and local residents .
26 And if we can identify locally generated politics , are we justified in speaking of the ‘ local state ’ ?
27 First , it seems as though we can identify a locally based form of politics , arising from local social relations and social processes .
28 We must also ensure that we can identify local variations from the national pattern ’ .
29 An appreciable number of us have ‘ perfect pitch ’ : we can identify a musical note exactly .
30 The problem amounts to isolating criteria according to which we can identify an aggressive act .
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