Example sentences of "n't going [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I ai n't going without my property , ’ Garty whined .
2 Eloise Brückner was n't going without hearing what the sister who had nursed her husband had to say .
3 By the time he reached the gallery his mother was at the far end of the broad corridor , but she was n't going into her room or into his room , she was making for the attic stairs , and now it was his turn to raise his eyebrows .
4 Because of this , people were n't going into nursing homes . ’
5 Standing there and scowling and telling Mrs Gotobed that he was n't coming back after the war , that he was n't going into the shop …
6 That new leaf did n't going into the next quarter and
7 But I ai n't going into no detox clinic , swigging bloody methadone .
8 But the , the trouble was the water was n't going into the dowels
9 Things were n't going at all well within the UK vehicle Division .
10 This was n't going at all how she had hoped .
11 Unless you can promote yourself as a bit-part player in some concocted yarn involving Madonna , outlandish sexual indiscretions , wilful substance abuse or , better still , all three , they are n't going to be interested .
12 A sweet young thing from Smash Hits is n't going to be after the same kind of material as some cerebral haircut boy from Melody Maker or a hack from your local paper .
13 I would try and get people to work as a team together and then when it obviously is n't going to work properly , only then would I make the decision .
14 I was told that there was n't going to be any nonsense like last time .
15 ‘ There is n't going to be no wedding , ’ he said .
16 She said I could stay in her room , but I ai n't going to .
17 Although Gaumont-British also declared a loss in 1937 , of £98,000 , Balcon 's departure from the company was precipitated by the prospect of Maxwell , a man whose production philosophy he abhorred , taking a stake in the company , and a general sense that he was n't going to be able to continue the same broad-based production policy as before .
18 The majority had no wish to stop work , particularly after the great strides which had been made in recent months , but they were n't going to be sat on either .
19 But in South Wales it was n't going to be as easy as that .
20 Nathan is n't going to be part of it ? ’
21 She ‘ knew ’ that she would not be returning ; no-one had ever seen her fridge in need of care and they were n't going to now .
22 A first novel by an unknown British writer is n't going to be given a huge advance . ’
23 Well , the Senior Daughter is n't going to Sunderland to study .
24 A senior British source said yesterday : ‘ If the Irish find they can not ratify the Maastricht treaty there is n't going to be a treaty . ’
25 This is n't going to be so bad after all .
26 There clearly was n't going to be any Douglas Fairbanks Jnr that night .
27 As Lawler shone the torch outside Maggie listened to the protesting groan of timbers and prayed the hotel was n't going to suddenly collapse as the McPhersons ' house had done .
28 He had seen the writing on the wall : after the oil crisis of 1973 there was n't going to be enough money to keep all the universities enthusiastically created or expanded in the booming sixties in the style to which they had become accustomed .
29 If your husband is n't going to be available until mornin' I think I 'd just as soon get some kip .
30 I was n't going to be greedy .
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