Example sentences of "which has [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But the dominant theme of the Macrory recommendations with respect to the distribution and control of services between Stormont ( the Northern Ireland Parliament which has since 1971 been replaced by direct rule from Westminster ) and local government was to emphasize the role of service professionals and experts , since ‘ sensible ’ and ‘ spontaneous ’ social democratic politics were absent ’ ( Tomlinson , 1980 , p. 114 ) .
2 The ego is that part of the id which has through perception been modified by the external world .
3 Three Intel Corp 80860s , seven Transputers and a 33MHz 80486 CPU provide the core of the workstation which has between eight and 32Mb of memory .
4 He believed that the two operations could be run with the staff of about ten employed by Pittencrieff at its office in Abilene , Texas , after closing Aberdeen 's office in Denver , Colorado , which has between ten and 15 staff .
5 LaBudde documented for the first time , on video and in his diaries , the suffering and death of thousands of dolphins in a tuna fishing practice known as ‘ fishing on porpoise' ’ , which has over the last 30 years killed between 6 and 12 million dolphins in the eastern Pacific .
6 But if Mr Major is at heart opposed to greater union , Britain 's policy is likely to be affected by the institutional pressures of Whitehall , which has over the years committed itself to the pro-European line .
7 Imports of consumer goods they claim , are held back because marketing costs are prohibitive in a country which has over twice the number of retail stores per head of the population than in the US or West Germany .
8 But what is perhaps more surprising about this scene , which has about it so much of the " well-made play " , is that its form is a purely musical conception , with a closed key structure , a carefully placed recapitulation , balanced episodes and a definite coda and conclusion .
9 A suicide pact exists where two or more people , each having a settled intention of dying , reach an agreement which has as its object the death of both or all .
10 It would appear that for Gandhi prayer is a form of meditation , which has as its aim self-purification and knowledge of the Truth .
11 Rather than seeing labourism within the narrow confines of a trade union dominated political intervention at the level of the state , I wish to consider it as a political culture within working-class experience at all levels , which can not be reduced to a bourgeois ethos , and which has as a major component ( but only a component ) the Labour Party .
12 It is important that as Christians we conceive of the corporation as a community which has as an objective more than just profit maximisation .
13 As such , community economic development is a form of community action which has as its basis the community 's own perception of its needs and the formulation of its own collective response to these needs .
14 A word which has as an element either a past participle or a present participle , eg airborne , weatherbeaten , self-taught .
15 This is not simply an incautious and unconsidered statement by Mr Baldwin , a slip of the tongue : it is the settled and deliberate policy of the governing class , who have entered upon a course of action which has for its object the deliberate intensification of unemployment as a method of forcing down wages .
16 It is true that by this choice she sacrificed a community life , which has for many women proved nourishing , but she also gained in personal freedom .
17 None the less , I shall have to cut back on public expenditure , which has for years been outgrowing our capacity to pay for it .
18 The new Act abolished the old method of arranging with creditors by a deed of composition , assignment or otherwise ‘ which has for so long a time disgraced our law ’ .
19 With the breakdown of the artificial barrier which has for too long divided an academic education from vocational one , there are opportunities for all — provided you 're intelligent enough to sort out the colleges from the universities from the polytechnics that is .
20 The one at Marham in Norfolk incorporates a World War One aeroplane of unspecified type and that at Upwood the Canberra which has for so long been associated with the RAF station .
21 Happily attempts are being made to change the colts qualifying date to September 1st from 1993 onwards rather than the anomalous January 1st which has for years disrupted team building by splitting units established over the years on the September date .
22 A recently released consultant 's report commissioned by the local authorities declared that the arrival of the Llangollen Railway in Corwen would be the single most important factor in the economic regeneration of the town which has for so long lived in the shadow of Llangollen , ten miles to the east .
23 It 's marvellous to see the wide variety of bird feeders , pond liners , wildflower seeds , nest-boxes , butterfly border plants and other merchandise marketed in this way , and , of course , it 's to be encouraged in an industry which has for too long simply serviced the chemical-warfare approach to gardening .
24 This has led to a crisis of legitimacy for the system : not only for the prisons ( whose claim to be providing effective rehabilitation was always shaky in many eyes ) but equally for other components of the penal system , notably the probation service which has for some years now been uncertain about what its proper rationale and direction should be .
25 What importance do you attach , Mrs , to the observation of the District Council in relation to their erm District Development Plan which has for many years been used for development control , of the following text , which you quote in your paragraph three point six ?
26 1792 It being Represented to this Meeting that their is unlawful combinations and Meetings held by the Weavers in the Island , particularly in the Parish of Kilchoman , for the purpose of shortening or cutting off the usual measure called the Islay Ell , which has for time Immemorial been the Standard Measure given by the Weavers with every Species of their Manufacture , and for reducing the measure to the English yard , and for continueing the prices for the English yard as high as that for the Islay Ell
27 Safety , which has for a long time been assumed to be at odds with commercial considerations , is now a business interest .
28 With their enemies confined to their bases , it must have seemed worth trying to contact the men from the UN , which has for years backed SWAPO .
29 ‘ ( The European Parliament ) … considers that , in the absence of palliative care correctly provided at both psychological and medical level , each time a fully conscious patient insistently and repeatedly requests an end to an existence which has for him been robbed of all dignity , and each time a team of doctors created for that purpose , established the impossibility of providing further specific care , the request should be satisfied without thereby involving any breach of respect for human life . ’
30 The CNAA , the body which has for many years awarded degrees in polytechnics , will cease operation in September 1992 and will be dissolved in March 1993 .
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