Example sentences of "which [vb -s] [that] " in BNC.

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1 If you work for a company which insists that you drive a particular brand of car , resign , first writing off the car in an accident in which two teenage hookers and a hallucinating macaw reach a rather untimely end .
2 It is fatally easy to ridic-ule these attempts to trade outside the market , but the first snags that people raise are n't to do with the mutual trust involved , but relate to the attitudes of the Inland Revenue ( which insists that payment in kind is taxable ) and of the Department of Social Security with its Minimum Earnings Rule .
3 At the other extreme is the stance taken on the MoD 's continuing tenure , which insists that it is not proper that the public continue to be excluded some of the time from all , and all of the time from some , of the finest coastal scenery in the British Isles .
4 Agnes Smedley 's heroine , Marie , talks about having to shut her mother out , shut off from her , in order to protect herself against her mother 's extraordinary cruelty — while Adrienne Rich works on the feeling of severance , of being deprived of her mother in a culture which insists that the daughters turn away from the mother toward the father .
5 The choice theory picks up the libertarian strand , which insists that all state power must be legitimated by consent , whereas the ‘ harm to interests ’ theory taps the slender source of Millian liberalism to defend a broadening of the scope of contractual obligations .
6 He said it was ruled by the Id — which is selfish , the Ego — which keeps the Id in check and in touch with reality , and by the Super-ego , which insists that social expectations and duties are fulfilled .
7 It is also confusion between a proper assurance based on experience and the insight deriving from it , and the dogmatism which so easily follows but is distinct from it , and which insists that what we happen to know is the only thing that matters — what others have discovered or had revealed to them is unimportant .
8 The allegations have been strongly denied by the government , which insists that all agreed water quality standards are publicly available , and that all drinking water is safe .
9 The report has been attacked by Friends of the Earth , which insists that it represents no new departure .
10 However , its closure , ordered under new legislation which insists that the best available technology be used to combat pollution , may set a precedent for hundreds of other incinerators across the country .
11 It is this covenant which ordains that the Christian Maronites hold the presidency , the leadership of the army and the head of the judiciary while Sunni Muslims provide the prime minister and Shia Muslims the speaker of the Lebanese parliament .
12 Although a misrepresentation by B can render the contract between A and B voidable , there can be present some factor which renders that contract completely void .
13 It is the cast of mind which decrees that Henry Cotton , the most successful British golfer of the last fifty years should get an MBE rather than a knighthood , the same level of honour as a shorthand note-taker in the House of Commons or the draftsman of regulations governing haddock quotas .
14 Thus the Godardian question — ‘ who speaks in the image ? ’ — is given answer in Adornian tones : it is the ‘ system which decrees that the order of money determines the order of the image ’ ( MacCabe 1980 , p. 45 ) .
15 Fractured , non-serial forms in the texts mentioned suggest a concurrence with conditions of contemporary history , summed up in Italo Calvino 's If on a Winter 's Night a Traveller ( 1982 ) which remarks that :
16 These data contrast with those of the Independent Commission on International Humanitarian Issues ( 1986 ) which opines that some 230 million people are directly threatened by desertification and that annually 21 million ha are rendered almost or completely unproductive .
17 We believe that they were present at his meeting with Keightley not least because of KP 79 which records that COS Eighth Army was to visit the Commander of 5 Corps on 13 May .
18 Once again deaf people proved a good risk , as is shown by the 1933 Annual Report , which records that " during the past two years over fifty deaf men have been insured for motoring risks .
19 Penrose has suggested that there is some physical principle ( ‘ cosmic censorship ’ ) which guarantees that all singularities lie safely within horizons .
20 At the other is the maximalist approach , which predicates that the task is not worth undertaking unless all significant aspects of the field are covered .
21 At one end is the minimalist approach , which postulates that the narrower the field the greater the likelihood that the project will be successfully completed within a reasonable time .
22 Once again , it is the oscillating motion of the cross within the circle which symbolizes that forthcoming conflict between positive , evolutionary forces and negative dissolutionary forces during life on Earth that gives birth to the Swastika in both its configurations , i.e. right-angled or left-angled .
23 Bloomsbury , £17.99 THERE is a persistent myth about Georges Simenon , inventor of Inspector Maigret , which holds that he has never received proper recognition as a novelist .
24 The new theory is a refinement of the theory of plate tectonics , which holds that continents grow steadily and systematically by a process called subduction .
25 However , there is in addition a standard objection which holds that no such lessons can be drawn at all , at least in any directly logical way , since any project of deriving ethical content from premisses of evolutionary theory commits the ‘ naturalistic fallacy ’ , an error which is today often equated with that of trying to derive ought from is .
26 The theology of liberation first developed in the 1960s as a Christian Socialist philosophy which holds that it is the duty of the Catholic Church to work for social and economic reforms , particularly in the Third World , and to adopt the cause of the oppressed , These positions were approved at a meeting of Latin American bishops in Medellin , Columbia , in 1968 and represented a watershed for the church in Latin America , The Medellin documents openly denounced the poverty and brutality of the relations of production in Latin America : withdrawing support from the classes in power the bishops called , most significantly , for agrarian reforms , The documents proposed programmes , based on the method of Paulo Freire 's " education for liberation " , which were designed to promote a new sense of community action for change among the poor .
27 All we need is to show that your belief that you are not a brain in a vat can not be justified since nothing in your experience can count as evidence for that proposition , and then appeal to an analogue of : which holds that if a is justified in believing that p and that p implies q , a is justified in believing that q .
28 There is a strong tradition in philosophy which holds that we start from knowledge of our own sensory states and build up from there .
29 The deepest chord in Spanish revolutionary politics is the centralista tradition which holds that central government is an emanation from the direct democracy of the popularly elected municipality .
30 The popular misconception which holds that unless one is able to sing one is not able to take part in a musical item needs to be dispelled once and for all .
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