Example sentences of "which [vb past] to " in BNC.

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1 He then stabbed Mr Kelly in the backside with the knife which penetrated to a depth of four to six inches .
2 If it did not do so , they threatened to suspend trade agreements with Yugoslavia , and immediately to restore them with those individual republics which agreed to the plan — in effect to recognize their independence .
3 He loosened two buttons on the shoulders of her fine cotton-shift dress , which fluttered to the floor .
4 Initially , SEATS will replace the Company Bulletin Board service introduced in April 1992 to permit investors to display their buying and selling orders in securities which ceased to be traded on SEAQ because they did not have two marketmakers ( see ACCOUNTANCY , June , p 44 ) .
5 During the late spring and summer of 1937 the revolution was well and truly rolled back in two of its former strongholds : Catalonia , which ceased to be autonomous within Republican Spain , and Aragon , where the CNT-dominated Council of Aragon was physically destroyed by Communist forces .
6 Details of the military arrangements , which ceased to be operational in February 1991 [ see pp. 38026-27 ] , were not released .
7 An electricity generating company in California sued a laboratory which failed to properly document its analysis ; the company was trying to recover from the laboratory the costs of settling a suit for unfair dismissal brought by an employee who lost her job because of the test .
8 Among the structures which received attention at that meeting but which failed to be included in the final Charter was the creation of a pan-European Assembly .
9 Holmes à Court was obliged by the law against foreign control of ITV to sell his shares , which passed to Sears , a conglomerate including footwear and the William Hill betting shops .
10 By English law , it was the father 's nationality which passed to the child and Michael Joyce had renounced his British citizenship long before .
11 The leading element in this upheaval was the student movement , and although students became independently active in political life all over the world — in Eastern Europe and in the Third World just as much as in the West — the principal expression of a distinctive radical doctrine and mode of political action , which became to a large extent a model for the whole international movement , was to be found in the US , in the Students for a Democratic Society ( SDS ) .
12 These losses were expected to be offset by increases in the value of oil exports , which doubled to $210,000,000 a month in July-September .
13 Jay lived best when inspired ; for her love had always been the inspiration ; she lived and wrote from passion , passion which led to the abyss .
14 By the time she found it , booked a ride for the next day and searched — without success — for tennis courts , and pushed the bike up the steep hill which led to the cottage , it was mid-afternoon .
15 It is this relationship which led to Ernest Newman 's remark that , ‘ The ballet was living music ’ ( see page 41 ) .
16 Exactly how long Hughes lived at 94 Portland Street , London , is uncertain but the first experiments which led to the development of the microphone were conducted here during 1878–80 .
17 ‘ We did not wish to create conditions which led to possible violence . ’
18 There is a paternalistic assumption lurking here , which reminds me of that which led to the disastrous council housing estates of the Sixties and early Seventies .
19 Craig Luxton , a New Zealand-born scrum-half on the England periphery , rubbed salt into the self-inflicted wounds with a series of tap-penalties and darting thrusts , one of which led to a 90-metre break-out and a second try for Gavin Thompson — one of the game 's few high points .
20 Sir : The extraordinary circumstances which led to Uppark being preserved , virtually unchanged , since the early nineteenth century are well known .
21 A gas leak on an unmanned North Sea platform which led to the evacuation of 70 workers from a nearby drilling rig was successfully sealed .
22 THE NUNS in Northamptonshire who are battling to save their 5,000 chickens from slaughter said yesterday that the Ministry of Agriculture had changed its story over the type of salmonella responsible for the outbreak of food poisoning which led to the flock being tested .
23 Details are emerging of the final stages of the talks which led to the collapse of the bid on Tuesday night .
24 There was a failure to invest , an inability to sustain science which led to renewed talk of a ‘ brain drain' of British scientists to American and other campuses , an inherent suspicion and division which prevented effective collaboration in industry .
25 It was Peters who chided him about his frail physique , which led to his regular attendance at August 's Gymnasium , which was in the basement of Apley Hall .
26 The third National Government was not a power-sharing coalition , but a coalition which led to party fusion .
27 The Basingstoke Canal at Claycart had around three inches of ice which led to the cancellation of the HBCAA Open and there was two and a half inches of ice on the Oxford Canal which led to the scrapping of the Banbury Open .
28 The Basingstoke Canal at Claycart had around three inches of ice which led to the cancellation of the HBCAA Open and there was two and a half inches of ice on the Oxford Canal which led to the scrapping of the Banbury Open .
29 Morgan 's work offered to Marx and Engels the early history of the processes which led to the creation of capitalism .
30 What had to be understood was the process which led to the evolution of society seen in this new light .
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