Example sentences of "which [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 The maxim on which I act at any moment is the personal rule which is guiding my behaviour — for Kant it is of the essence of voluntary action that there is such a maxim in every case .
2 that little air , which I catch ,
3 There 's an untidy second in which I dive forward to knock Casey off balance , and he lurches against the wall but keeps upright while Des scrambles to his feet .
4 In The Clock Tower I first block in the spider web of interconnecting darks which I visualise as one large dark shape .
5 In The Clock Tower I first block in the spider web of interconnecting darks which I visualise as one large dark shape .
6 I find it hard to think of any more splendid compensation than conferment of the power to transfer a very large sum of money from a newspaper which I dislike and despise to an organisation or institution which I love and admire .
7 The sense in which I use the word ‘ faith ’ here is different from both Wesley and Locke .
8 I own a 1979 Series III SWB 2¼ diesel , which I use to commute 75–80 miles daily to work and back .
9 At the moment , I am working on a novel and the kitchen table has on it only the ancient German electric typewriter which I use to type out the second draft of what I have already written by hand .
10 If you work with a medium format camera , such as the ETRS Bronica which I use , then load as many spare film-holders as you carry with you .
11 I have recently purchased an ART SGX 2000 preamp/processor which I use in my current setup , which consists of a Marshall 9005 stereo valve power amp and a pair of Celestion 2x12 cabs .
12 I usually go through a chorus , a BOSS analogue delay , a BOSS flanger , a Cry Baby wah and a compressor which I use to control the feedback from the wah .
13 I have three upright basses , and I take two on the road with me , plus an old ‘ 64 Precision which I use on a couple of numbers . ’
14 I personally use a .013-.056 gauge on all the acoustics and all the electrics with the exception of the Firebird , which I use for regular flatpicking in standard Spanish tuning , and that one has much lighter strings on it — an .009 set but with an .011 on the top E. ’
15 Like I said , I do quite a lot of other stuff as well and for that I use things like little Fender amps , and I 've got a Peavey Profex which I use with a MIDI foot controller .
16 And I have a variety of outboard gear which I use if I want to get that ‘ big hall ’ sound in my little room .
17 Another little tip which I use gives a neat finish to front bands , which often are not level at top and/or bottom .
18 Some beginners find that casting off presents a problem , so here is the method which I use :
19 I , I 'm interested in the cameras which I use and that 's it .
20 Among many blessings , which I count from time to time , is the good fortune of being born in this age of progress ‘ in all directions ’ and the fact that I was born with an innate curiosity .
21 It may be the only way in which I get what I want in my life .
22 For some people this may be self-imposed ; for me , my work forms part of it — it is something which I enjoy and from which I get considerable satisfaction .
23 So the impression which I get from the locals , is that they 'll be happier when the flats are down .
24 ‘ Very useful things , ladders , especially when you 're on the top of one — there 's nowhere for you to run , which I get the feeling you are contemplating , and I think even you are n't callous enough to push me off backwards . ’
25 And in tutorials there is opportunity to take well judged risks — by which I mean being unafraid of going for the character and seeing where it leads — even with well known speeches .
26 But in any case , the best proof of the pudding is in the eating — by which I mean that any one who has tried to help young poets over the years , whether in Britain or America , knows that Ford 's and the imagists ' precepts about diction are what most of them most need to learn — no novelty , after all , since they can learn the same lessons from the preface to Lyrical Ballads , if they choose to .
27 From evidence available this week , by which I mean the remarkable feats of sharp reflex and well-practised agility Peter Shilton performed against Poland in a crucial World Cup qualifying tie in Chorzow , England ought not to embark for Italy next summer without first packing trench tools and barbed wire , while giving some serious attention to the laying of mines in their penalty area .
28 And I found that he was universally right — by which I mean that I was answerable in my body and in my heart for what was done to my brother .
29 Be aware of what is happening all over the world , but for goodness sake do n't allow the market — by which I mean the City — to guide the destiny of your company .
30 By which I mean two things .
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