Example sentences of "which [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is the ‘ region ’ for which extensive social and economic trend information is available and it has a practical reality as the area of responsibility of the Northern Regional Health Authority and as the regional level of organization of central state departments .
2 A particular characteristic of a state in which extensive social policies have been adopted is that it is a bureaucratic state .
3 Refraction seismic interpretations for the Fennolora line provided the basis of a model of the broad-scale structure within which specific upper crustal features could be interpreted .
4 The situation changes if ΔH M is negative as this will encourage mixing , and the search for binary polymer blends which are miscible has focussed on combinations in which specific intermolecular interactions , such as hydrogen bonds , dipole-dipole interactions , ion-dipole interactions , or charge transfer complex formation , can exist between the component polymers .
5 It is known which specific immune responses are required for therapeutic benefit , so we have proceeded cautiously .
6 We restricted our comments to the design of pending trials in the United States that are a matter of considerable debate , and suggested that such trials should be comparative precisely because , as and say , ‘ it is not known which specific immune responses are required for therapeutic benefit ’ .
7 Augmenting Britain 's direct contributions to the EEC are numerous ways in which specific British resources are made available for common EEC exploitation .
8 The sexual behaviour of blacks has hardly been controlled in such a way as to create a gene pool in which specific physical traits related to power , speed and agility became dominant .
9 In which specific isolated streaks ,
10 This ‘ civilising mission ’ both endorsed legislation which could help create a physical and institutional environment in which undesirable working-class habits and attitudes would be deterred ( as long as it was not too expensive ) , and encouraged private philanthropy , which could undertake active propagation of a new moral code .
11 For example , as r is increased above an r-value near 30 ( a , = 10 , b , = 8/3 ) , the chaotic behaviour is interrupted by parameter intervals in which stable periodic orbits are seen .
12 Cases in which prolonged antiphonal use of wind and strings is suitable will , however , be rare , as such treatment tends , naturally , to produce a sense of discontinuity .
13 Admittedly the current burst of improvement dates back only to the Renaissance , which was preceded by a dismal period of stagnation , in which European scientific culture was frozen at the level achieved by the Greeks .
14 In an era in which prevailing political opinion has opposed increases in legislation , most of the other areas have not been found appropriate for legislative action .
15 Dorota Symonides polled 67 per cent in the second round of voting compared with 32 per cent for Henryk Krol , the leader of the Silesian German Minority Cultural Association , after a campaign during which conflicting Polish and German nationalist sentiments had been expressed .
16 Bird ( 1968 ) quotes a number of examples of currents scouring hollows in the sea floor in soft sediments , of scour hollows in narrow straits in which strong tidal currents are known to occur , and of coarse sediments marking the tracks of currents in areas of mainly fine sediment due to the winnowing effect of those currents .
17 Griffiths believed that a greater diversity of service options would develop if the independent sector , voluntary organizations and private companies were encouraged to compete for contracts for domiciliary and residential care services : indeed , there is evidence from initiatives in services for people with mental handicap that having a multiplicity of different service providers stimulates creative innovations in services in a way which monolithic public sector services seem slow to do .
18 We believe , therefore , that for communities like ours , in which unrecognised non-insulin dependent diabetes is fairly common in young people , screening for gestational diabetes is justified .
19 She dived towards it , anxious some other would-be caller should not beat her to it and begin on one of those endless conversations the French seemed to have , searching through her pockets for change and trying to recall the International dialling code and the number of the line which connected direct with Nick 's office , bypassing the busy switchboard , all at the same time .
20 The Labour government elected in 1974 decided to concentrate its housing resources on the needs of the inner city areas and coupled this with changes in the basis of the rate support grant which disadvantaged rural local authorities .
21 The importance of music press writers like Paul Morley , and of disc jockeys like Peter Powell ( or John Peel ) , is to make available a public language in which private musical judgements can be legitimated .
22 Otto Lambsdorff , leader of the German Free Democrats , said it was a ‘ nonsense ’ gesture which over-protected British interests
23 Which controversial Conservative MP appeared as herself in the TV series News Hounds ?
24 The reckoning came with a vengeance when ‘ The kynge out of hand sent commissions to gather ye loane , this was called practisyng of the loane , which sore emptied men 's purses . ’
25 Another factor which depressed general morale was the occasional rumble of disagreement at the top of the regime , notably involving President Khamenei and the formidable Majles Speaker Rafsanjani .
26 The first , as may be expected from the name , had letters as wide ( or half as wide ) as their height , and remain quite familiar to modern eyes , as being the face from which present-day upper-case ‘ Roman ’ type has descended .
27 In Figure 6.8 , the discrepancy between NAIRU and U F measures the extent to which exogenous cost-push factors influence an inflationary process at levels of activity which are well below what may be reasonably considered to correspond to full employment .
28 The Children Act consolidated the existing child care legislation , and created departments in which professional social work practice would develop in child care , and in due course in work with families .
29 Any model of skilled reading which incorporates this view can only be properly tested if the mechanism by which unfamiliar printed letter strings are translated into phonological form is described in adequate detail .
30 Which British prime ministers are said to have given rise to the phrase ‘ Bob 's Your Uncle ’ ?
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