Example sentences of "which [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then he invoked opium directly , leaving no doubt as to the limitless power which the drug-user feels he has been given :
2 Thus by the beginning of 1797 , discounting contributed to a situation in which the adding of £200,000,000 to the debt secured an effective loan of only £108,000,000 .
3 The Collector himself had paid no attention to it , assuming it to be one of the many trivial ailments from which the garrison , deprived of adequate fresh food , was now suffering .
4 The passage continued narrow , clearly cut and low-roofed , a safe and secret way out of the castle by which the garrison could retreat towards Shrewsbury , if too hard pressed , and by which it could receive stores and reinforcements in time of siege , or emerge to raid and counterattack by night .
5 In their treatment of this theme both Cassirer and Hallowell point out that the crucial link between the inner world of representation and the outer ‘ reality ’ lies in the human capacity to symbolize percepts ; symbolization of events in the perceptual continuum provides the units for a pictorial logic from which the abstraction of grammar eventually emerged as a concomitant of sound production in the development of verbal communication .
6 When sailing across the wind ( reaching ) the driving force D is acting in almost exactly the required direction , giving the board plenty of forward force F , but only a small amount of sideways force S , which the daggerboard can easily resist .
7 He recalled the uncanny way in which the wizard 's sword curved up and caught his own blade with a shock that jerked it out of his grip .
8 Lio ! rt gasped at the sudden turn of speed with which the wizard had dodged his killing stroke and , with that desperation only available to the really terrified , Rincewind uncoiled like a snake and launched himself across the space between them .
9 I caught a waiter 's eye and before long the drinks arrived ; they were greeted with anything-but-ragged cheers , in which the comic wholeheartedly joined .
10 A lion roars in the dense thicket into which the watercourse runs .
11 But no matter whether the ballet lasts one , two or three acts the choreographer must be fully in control of his material so that every detail of the characterisation of the whole cast is appropriate to the general atmosphere and environment within which the plot unfolds .
12 A well-qualified man named Akers is selected on the basis of his impressively durable character , after which the plot takes surprising twists we dare not reveal .
13 Secondly ( Chapter 3 ) , I shall examine not only Nizan 's resignation from the party and his subsequent death , but also his dramatic afterlife , a moment of political , ideological and cultural reproduction in which the complexity of his existence is obliterated beneath politically advantageous stereotypes : traitor , police spy , rebel , anti-hero .
14 In an efficient rotation , they follow a crop for which the soil was well manured so that the roots benefit from the earlier cultivation and nutrient residues in the ground .
15 In the first place compost is made from a carefully balanced mixture of animal wastes ( the nitrogen fraction from which the soil bacteria are built up ) and vegetable matter ( the carbon fraction which provides the energy with which the bacteria heat and break down the heap ) .
16 Pravda , the leading anti-Yeltsin newspaper in Moscow , has printed excerpts of what it claims is a memo from Mr Primakov , dated March 21st 1992 , in which the spook outlined the properties of red mercury , or mercuric salt of antimonous acid as it is also known , in detail .
17 The collapse of lightly fabricated cladding sections may well e preferable to the sudden failure of heavy masonry at high level and the more widespread dangers which the toppling effect of masonry may produce .
18 Central to problem-solving is a general approach in which the therapist tries to help the patient draw on his own resources to overcome his problems .
19 Pamela also appeared angry and seemed to wish the therapist to speak for her , which the therapist resisted .
20 If the fragment of discourse one wished to study was only the part of ( 5 ) beginning , when we were children we used to use this taw , then accounting for the speaker 's mention of the trolley near the end of this fragment would have to be done in terms of the preceding discourse ( i.e. all the first section before the taw is mentioned ) in which the trolley is introduced and characterised .
21 The court 's highly controversial decision ( against which the Prosecutor-General was to appeal ) , and its finding that the Vichy regime had " never planned and practised a consistent anti-semitic ideology " and " at no time … had the purpose or the opportunity of imposing any kind of domination or conquering ideology " had important implications for the outstanding Bousquet and Papon cases [ see pp. 37019 ; 37899 ] .
22 Hard twist yarns give a textured surface in which the blending of coloured fibres produce a pleasing yet practical heather effect .
23 This was set against the teaching and learning which the Inspectorate had observed in their school sample .
24 The concern in the present section is with purely reactive circuits and it is worth noting that in dual versions the frequencies at which the reactance becomes zero or infinite is the same , one circuit being resonant ( ) whenever the other is antiresonant ( ) and vice versa .
25 Suppose , however , the children have to secretly plan an escape which the crew of the ship are to know nothing about …
26 Hailer and the V H F radio , with which the crew can keep in touch with airc aircr
27 The answers to these questions will depend on the extent to which the tendency towards globalization of financial business is outweighed by the national characteristics of differing markets .
28 Assessment would include major group projects , in which the conduct of the project would count for as much as the end product , as well as written examinations .
29 Later in the article three specific cases are mentioned in which the conduct complained of was not , at the time , an offence , other than public nuisance : Reg. v. Wheeler , The Times , 17 December 1971 ; Reg. v. Madden [ 1975 ] 1 W.L.R. 1379 and Reg. v. Holme [ 1984 ] C.L.Y .
30 But it may be argued that ‘ conduct ’ includes the circumstances in which the conduct takes place , including such matters as the time of day or night in addition to the ferocity of the attack .
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