Example sentences of "which [verb] any " in BNC.

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1 A lot of wc bowls now have a straight outlet , which fits any kind of fixing with the correct coupling .
2 If you 're having difficulty coaxing your baby to drink from a trainer cup , turn his old , familiar bottle into one with a Mam Soft Training Spout , ( far left ) which fits any standard bottle .
3 Medical treatment which involves any touching of a patient is still analysed generally in law as lawful because the patient has consented to what would otherwise be an assault .
4 We share a Peter Pan mentality , a lack of self-discipline and a strong streak of slob — which renders any room inhabited by the two of us into a bomb-site within minutes .
5 The basic point is that far from media changes giving rise to simple shifts in musical practice , media , content and social relations form a very complex interrelationship which renders any schema based on abstract historical antitheses very questionable .
6 Left-inclined critics , whilst recognising that political inactivity can be construed as a measure of satisfaction and power for certain interests , nevertheless argue that this is not the case for all interests and in many cases they regard inactivity as symptomatic of a powerlessness and fatalism which renders any activity pointless .
7 All statements of fact and information contained or referred to in the Disclosure Letter are true and complete and are not misleading in any respect , all statements of opinion therein have been made after due and careful enquiry and are reasonably believed to be correct and nothing has been omitted from the Disclosure Letter which renders any of such matters misleading .
8 As Haynes points out , the planning process reflected this in that it ‘ usually took the form of a series of isolated , departmental exercises which lacked any common framework of reference apart from the central control of financial input ’ ( Haynes , 1980 , p. 82 ) .
9 Simon Roberts , Friends of the Earth 's energy campaigner , described the government approach as " a big carbon con " which lacked any new initiatives .
10 Solicitors shall not by themselves or with any other person set up , operate , actively participate in or control any business , other than a solicitor 's practice or a multi-national partnership , which offers any of the following services :
11 Where a solicitor by himself or herself or with any other person without breach of paragraph ( 2 ) of this rule operates , actively participates in or controls any business , other than a solicitor 's practice or a multi-national partnership , which offers any service which may properly be offered as part of a solicitor 's practice , the solicitor shall ensure ?
12 Learning hath of late years met with an obstruction in many places which suppresses it from flourishing or increasing … and that is the inquisition upon the press , which prohibits any book from coming forth without an imprimature .
13 The reference to the City of Chicago case is to a rule which prohibits any action for defamation by a local government authority .
14 However , it is still very difficult to search for the sequence of transformations which produced any given tree .
15 And this general picture is , primarily , that which we attempt to draw in this book , not the detailed personal characteristics which distinguish any of the political leaders .
16 This is clearly revealed in the brick wall of indignation which flattens any suggestion that the crime problem defined by the state is not the only crime problem , or that criminals are not only those processed by the state .
17 Further , by wills and settlements , provision may be made for those who may come into existence at a future time , subject to the rule against perpetuities , which forbids any disposition which is not certain to take effect ( if it takes effect at all ) within lives in being and twenty-one years afterwards ; but a life in being includes a person en ventre sa mere at the time when the will or settlement takes effect .
18 Did you see the poll published in the Sunday newspapers about public attitudes to AIDS which avoided any reference to the Terence Higgins Trust or any of the other gay support groups ?
19 This problem is but one instance of the general paradox which confronts any kind of radical movement or occupation which is more than purely self , regarding .
20 Even after a number of plays , the only ones which made any lasting impact were ‘ Here Big Day ’ , a witty enough piece about getting married , and its attendant perils , and ‘ My Father 's Shoes ’ , a genuinely fine song about loving a parent — it struck home with me , and I 'll wager I wo n't be the only one .
21 Keep away from modern detergents in washing-up water , and bubble baths which degrease any bit of skin they are in contact with .
22 It is these same institutions which are responsible for the many second-rate modern buildings which make any comparisons between Barcelona and Leeds , Manchester and Milan , ludicrous .
23 Adopting this condition , we can only interpret an increase in real output per capita as an actual improvement in economic welfare if no distributional changes occur which make any individuals or groups worse off .
24 When thesis subjects as broad as juvenile delinquency in the South or differential fertility in the U.S.A. are chosen — subjects which transcend any bounds of accomplishment during graduate work and which are not definitely formulated — they are likely to bring the young research person to a state of despair when he realizes that the masses of material he has assembled answer no questions , neither confirm nor refute any hypothesis , and yield nothing toward developing a scientific sociology .
25 His withdrawal seems now to be going further and further back into his own imagined creations of ‘ far other worlds and other seas ’ which transcend any physical creation .
26 That in history , the important things of economic , er historical , social forces which transcend any individual .
27 This means a reasonable length of time to try out the goods generally , not a reasonable length of time in which to discover any defects there might be in the goods , Bernstein v. Pamsons Motors ( Golders Green ) Ltd. ( 1986 Q.B. ) .
28 All effective forms of organization must be capable of resolving perennial problems which beset any administratively co-ordinated , recurrent ad routine activities that occur between transacting agencies .
29 The first is the extent to which constituents of opaque expressions are ‘ full ’ semantic indicators : clearly blackbird , with two full indicators , is less opaque than ladybird , with one partial indicator only ( — bird ) , which in turn is less opaque than red herring or in a brown study , neither of which contains any indicators at all .
30 The presence of mucus in the stool was not analysed because the bismuth enema itself had the appearance of white mucus , which invalidated any comparison .
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