Example sentences of "she can not " in BNC.

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1 She had always sworn to herself that she would never impose on her daughter 's marriage 2. ) but she knows now that she can not possibly decline an invitation to spend the rest of her days at her son-in-law 's house .
2 She later shows her mettle as a clog dancer abetted by four pretty girls , tries to set her cap at Father Thomas , but finally realises she can not frustrate true love and dances out happily with the rest .
3 The time-consuming nature of Janet 's part in the process , combined with a bad back which prevents her spending more than a couple of hours at the drawing board every day , means she can not keep up with her husband 's prolific output .
4 Having spent many years arguing for government support for the British fashion industry — and getting nowhere — she can not be blamed for opting to manufacture and show abroad .
5 If she was not , she can not get SMP from you unless she was ‘ fairly dismissed ’ .
6 In one Douglas Fairbanks tells a woman to follow him and when faced with her persistent refusal , arguing as she does that she can not abandon her home , he tethers his horses to the latter and carts the whole house off in a burst of white-toothed laughter .
7 She can not mother her child and she can not mother her mother ; everything she did inclined towards death .
8 She can not mother her child and she can not mother her mother ; everything she did inclined towards death .
9 I have been there three times , but each time they say I must go back to the Home Office and try to get my daughter a visa for longer than a six months ' stay in Britain ; otherwise she can not be admitted to school .
10 Unlike his predecessor , he has told Mrs Rees she can not allow her toys to be sold .
11 ‘ Oh , she is very weak , she can not get out of bed without assistance . ’
12 For she can not raise herself , her limbs are no longer able to do their work .
13 I have things to offer her that she can not help but want .
14 It has shown itself all at once , she can not remain at home for very much longer . ’
15 Bagehot 's magic depends upon the fact that the common man or woman remains just that ; he or she can not , except by the most exceptional marriage , become part of the royal family .
16 The fact of no income may well mean that she can not continue to pay the mortgage , and so she will have to move house thereby losing her home , friends and familiar surroundings .
17 The majority of this book consists of quotations from informants but , because of the derogatory nature of many entries , she can not give names .
18 The distressed parent then has an automatic thought that , since she can not control their behaviour , she is a bad person .
19 Leapor makes general assertions about marriage in this poem partly because she can not make further particular observations without offending Octavia .
20 Yet she can not find an entirely satisfactory alternative , for the life of the spinster is often portrayed in stark terms .
21 Betty Rizzo suggests that Leapor 's metaphor is a sign of her limitations as a poet ; she can not bring herself to write the simple word ‘ mayfly ’ [ Rizzo ] .
22 a requirement or condition which he applies or would apply equally to a man but — ( i ) which is such that the proportion of women who can comply with it is considerably smaller thin the proportion of men who can comply with it , and ( ii ) which he can not show to be justifiable irrespective of the sex of the person to whom it is applied , and ( iii ) which is to her detriment because she can not comply with it .
23 It seems impossible to me that she can not be brought back to life , that such a person can not be brought back to normal life .
24 Almost whatever her personal qualities , she can not hope for anything other than the most menial of work .
25 She can not get parish relief without relinquishing her baby , so she is half-way to losing it already .
26 She can not be more than twelve years old . ’
27 She can not smile , ’ he said bleakly , ‘ because she has lost her land . ’
28 He mouths something through the glass which she can not hear .
29 Joanna , trying to cope with the painful fact that she can not ever have a baby , begins to remember the life of 19th-century Anna and her son , Merlin .
30 There are five of these general arrest conditions : ( a ) the name of the person is not known to the police officer and he or she can not ‘ readily ascertain ’ it .
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