Example sentences of "she said [art] " in BNC.

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1 So she said she 'd got some of the scale off but she could n't get u all of it on and she said these last , well three or four weeks she said every time he eats his food he goes meouw and runs away and he ca n't eat !
2 And she said every time she takes it
3 She said no more .
4 She said no more .
5 She said no more , knowing that he was n't particularly interested , that his mind had moved elsewhere .
6 ‘ I do , ’ Miss Honey replied , but she said no more .
7 With that she said no more but dropped down to her shelter and took up some food , an action that told Creggan he had best get on with it and ask no more questions .
8 She said no more , and none of us referred to the subject again that evening .
9 She said no more , and Liddy went quietly out of the room .
10 She said no more , ’ repeated Mrs Bumble calmly , showing ( unlike Mr Bumble ) no fear of the strange man 's violence .
11 She said no more about it , but I knew she worried when these unexplained absences occurred .
12 He looked relieved when she said no one had told her anything .
13 Meredith recognised the bottom line and she said no more .
14 She said no more , but went to pick up her portmanteau from the Corn Exchange colonnade .
15 She said no more , although she could not herself treat the matter so lightly .
16 She said no more and as soon as they arrived at Broom House she said , ‘ No need to take me right up to the house — I can walk up the drive . ’
17 She said no more , but her thoughts were bitter .
18 Dawn 's eyes held a hint of mockery , but she said no more .
19 She said a majority of women had voted Tory since they got the right to vote , but a profound shift was now taking place .
20 That would be expecting too much , surely , but she said a small prayer to herself that it might be so .
21 She said a black man had made an obscene suggestion to her outside the ladies ’ loo . ’
22 ‘ Well , she said a lot of good things about how housework and things were essential social work — you know , saying it was work , hard work , servicing other people , not that airy fairy labour of love stuff , and how it ought to be recognised , and how it was because women were seen as wives and mothers that they got low wages , no money when they were at home looking after small kids .
23 She said a real man is someone who knows what he 's about , who knows himself and can be relaxed about himself , and I think the same could be said about the ideal guest .
24 She did what she thought was right and in this country she said a price .
25 She said a nurse would be along soon to change her bandages , and I said that was good .
26 He could n't dismiss the images , he could n't stay Time 's hand as it turned page after page of that memory-album until tears flooded his eyes at the scenes recalled : his mother , her brown hair screwed into a bun at the back of her head , taking him to see a house at Edgeworthstown where she said a famous woman writer had lived ; he had n't paid much attention , not being interested in books then , but when he grew older he read Maria Edgeworth 's novels and went again for himself to gaze at her home .
27 She said a troubadour needs only three things , an instrument , a horse , and a lady love , and the first she desired to give me , and the other two I must find for myself .
28 ‘ It was my husband who was interested in him , ’ she said a little sadly .
29 ‘ You obviously were n't thinking straight , ’ she said a little scornfully .
30 ‘ Of course not , ’ she said a little impatiently .
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