Example sentences of "she do so " in BNC.

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1 Had she done so she would not have said a word , would not have looked a word , would simply have sat on the bed and talked to Tina for ten minutes instead of the two of them sitting opposite each other in armchairs .
2 Had she done so , he might have had a reason to object to the holiday and a great deal of trouble would have been saved .
3 Had she done so , the house would have been repossessed by the building society and her mother made homeless .
4 How could she do so without vomiting ?
5 ‘ Chewing gum , ’ she informed Bridget , picking at it with her fingernails as she did so .
6 But still , on the bus going to and from school , on her steady , daily runs in the park , swimming , weight-lifting , doing her exercises , and on those other rare occasions when she was alone and free from the demands of school , State , and family , Erika found herself thinking of Fritz , although what she thought she scarcely knew herself , except that she knew that she blushed when she did so … .
7 It was rare for Frau Nordern to kiss her husband affectionately but she did so now , kissing him on the cheek and ruffling his hair .
8 She did so , casting an experienced eye over him .
9 Just inside the entrance , she turned to survey the clientèle , making sure as she did so that all the men got a tantalising glimpse of a very long and elegant leg exposed through a side slit .
10 As she did so , a shot cracked across the ridge , from one of the police marksmen .
11 She did so love a feast .
12 She sipped , coughing as she did so .
13 She pinched ears , lips and nostrils , pulled hair and poked her hard fingers into tender places , and she did so with a vexed expression on her face , as if the worried children in her charge deserved to be roughly handled .
14 ‘ Oh , I did n't think you would come , ’ she said , and laughed , not at all a confused laugh , but quiet , and at herself rather than at him , looking down at her cupped hands as she did so .
15 Though when she did so , she knew she would be pleased at the small show of spirit .
16 And realised , her heart churning a little as she did so , that this was no joke , that it was not an angry expression of Isabel 's pride .
17 In her yellow-curtained office , the Matron , Miss Cress , picked up her pen to record a death and , as she did so , thought momentarily of Alida Thorne .
18 It was all Isa could do to persuade Wilson to let some light in and dry her tears and tell her what ailed her ; and when she did so , it made little sense .
19 The moment she did so he was on her , grabbing her by the arm , so that the tray shook violently in her slippery hands , trying to drag her to the clock as he screamed , ‘ Look !
20 Wilson pushed her back into the room , the mutton skidding from the plate as she did so , and locked it behind her , then dragged a chest in front .
21 But as she did so , she thought she heard a thin , piercing sound , like the wail of a child who has just wakened up and found himself alone .
22 She closed her eyes and , as she did so , valves that normally regulated memory burst open .
23 She did so , in part , to make authoritative her claim that there was an ‘ African law ’ , which made English colonial government inappropriate .
24 Something fluttered to the floor as she did so .
25 ‘ One man 's trash is another man 's treasure , ’ Totter said in a maddeningly calm voice , wandering over to a lower shelf as she did so .
26 After a moment or two she heard him call , ‘ Turn the ignition key , ’ and when she did so , the engine fired .
27 Franca dried the wound with the paper , feeling as she did so the blazing warmth of the bruised knee , which was already swelling a little .
28 There was no point telling Mom that , because whenever she did so her mother just told her that everyone needed to study and her grades would drop if she stopped .
29 She did so now .
30 The girl sucked up her Coke through a straw , watching him while she did so .
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