Example sentences of "she be then " in BNC.

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1 If a Prime Minister indicated that he wished to resign because he was ill , the Queen would indeed be acting in accordance with constitutional law if she were then and there to accept his resignation and appoint a successor after taking whatever soundings seemed appropriate .
2 This usually has no effect ( although a few users have been sick , in which case another form of abortion is offered ) and she 's then sent home .
3 She is then able to cover the same ground , using the objectives set by the ward .
4 If she comes out by that hole her only route must be through the cage , in which she is then recaptured .
5 If she had not been so fit as she is then I am convinced that she would have died .
6 ‘ Well , I ca n't think where she is then , ’ shrugged Enid .
7 On the programme , she commented that her excursions into the world of night give her some very special insights and material which she is then able to use in her novels .
8 She can pop down to the basement , make herself a cup of coffee until the colour is removed when she is then encouraged to style her own hair !
9 She is then obliged , under the terms of his will , to deal with his lawyer , Charlie Leveque , whom she has never met but loathes on principle .
10 If the idea originator wishes to proceed , he or she is then asked to prepare a brief , one or two page description , sometimes referred to as an idea memorandum ( IM ) .
11 She is then reduced to the unconscious side of man , his Other who speaks through him .
12 Because experience of a child death is casually associated with non-use of contraceptives , where infant mortality is high among first births , as in all but the Western Hemisphere region and in developed countries , the first experience of a child death tends to occur when the woman is young , and she is then less likely ever to use contraceptives .
13 She is then Julie is n't she ?
14 The first time Wexford noticed this — she was then about six — he almost hooted aloud , so grotesque was the likeness between this exquisite piece of doll 's flesh and her gross progenitor .
15 She was then working among ‘ down and outs ’ and prostitutes in London .
16 Talking of the torment she was then emerging from she said : ‘ The demands never end .
17 She was then introduced to the other chaps from work she did n't know already , and to the girls a few of them were with .
18 She was then able to walk with the help of a tall walking stick , and gradually improved to the stage of walking without a stick .
19 She was then released on police bail .
20 Again she was plied with whisky , but this time in hot water and sweetened with brown sugar ; she was then led to the sitting-room couch that had been made up as a bed for her .
21 At the tender age of six or seven , she was then involved in court action that saw the man go to prison — with Rosemary being taken away to a place of safety , a children 's home .
22 She was then able to suggest ways she might improve this relationship .
23 She was then exposed to various synthetic chemicals in turn , and reacted badly to diesel fumes , cigarette smoke , natural gas , chlorine and alcohol .
24 I still get randy when I think of that voluptuous female , as she was then .
26 She was then eighteen ; serious , intense , and very single-minded .
27 However , this did seem to be the indicated remedy , so she was then given a low potency ( 3X ) twice daily for a period of two weeks .
28 Paul also remembers that even though she was then only 15 , Sinead was desperate to join the band .
29 She was then 67 and George was 68 and she wanted them to spend their retirement years quietly , without affairs of State dogging their every move .
30 She was then able to spend occasional weekends at her daughters ' flats , but still gave the residential staff a hard time on her return .
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