Example sentences of "she [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Had she not treated her subordinates with vindictiveness and meanness , Elena 's desire to cut a figure as ‘ a world-ranking scientist ’ would have a comical charm .
2 How an argument began , then a fight , how Leonard would have been killed had she not hit Otto over the head .
3 Why had she not received them earlier ?
4 Why did she not experience the usual terror at being shut in a small enclosed space ?
5 Why had she not consulted them ?
6 But he agreed not to complain about her market-minded vision of the Community and she not to bully him about France 's half-in , half-out position in NATO .
7 The stress and strain on muscles and joints is considerable , but why has she not sent the doctor 's certificate as a matter of courtesy to the tournament authorities ?
8 Why had she not made connections between the secrecy , the silent , passively gloomy , growing of Maggie inside herself and this new , equally secret , growth ?
9 Why had she not made the connection and what , in any case , was the connection ?
10 Some discernment she had , however , for had she not made most complimentary remarks about his filets de sole Murat ?
11 If the latter — why had she not gone the whole hog and burned it ?
12 Yet not only had she not said anything but as far as he 'd been able to ascertain she had n't left him any lunch .
13 How could she and how could she not give it up ?
14 And anyhow , Cara would probably not have lasted more than two minutes in her job in the journalistic field had she not grown a few hard edges .
15 Would she not want to know the joy she had experienced in Tyler 's arms ?
16 How could she not want that ?
17 Next B states , in London English , her attitude to all such propositions : " I do n't wan na go outside for fresh air , right " — and now switches to Creole to echo her own words , but more emphatically : not only would she not want to go , she will not : " I 'm not going outside ( ever ) for any fresh air " .
18 There is something reflexive rather than rational , automatic rather than deliberative , circumscribed and autonomous rather than holistic about parsing a sentence such as ‘ She met John before Mary arrived at the airport ’ in the way we do ( with the pronoun she not referring to Mary but to some other female ) .
19 He could well have returned late at night and she not heard him , though she had stayed awake for a long time , listening for the sound of the horses , the carriage wheels on the drive .
20 And had she not felt elated when he praised her in that soft , beguiling voice ?
21 Has she not throbbed at the memory of their dances hand in hand ?
22 Why had she not realised earlier ?
23 The sounds of shouting and gunshots might have alarmed Ianthe had she not realised that they were coming from the television programme in the basement .
24 Who might she not meet ?
25 Had she not heard Sarah 's cry of outrage the moment before she opened the carriage door and caught John in that position ?
26 ‘ Oh , never with any heart to deprive you , ’ protested Herluin , ‘ but in compassion for a monastic house brought to ruin might she not feel bound to exert herself to deliver ?
27 Could she not could she not lock them up right
28 Well if , if you look at erm a female worker , er as opposed to a male worker and you look at the o oppression that she suffers , does she not suffer both the oppression of being working and the oppression of being a woman ?
29 Did she not go then ?
30 When she heard how a new doctor had been called in , all the familiar names having left Florence previously thinking it was to be plunged into war , she felt indignant — why was she not called in , she who knew more about Mrs Browning 's illnesses than any other person ?
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