Example sentences of "she [vb past] a " in BNC.

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1 She slanted a challenging look at Claudia .
2 Maria 's heart clenched as she slanted a look at his grim countenance .
3 ‘ It 's — it 's eerie in the bush at night , ’ she whispered a little shakily .
4 ‘ Perhaps I can stay here , ’ she whispered an entreaty .
5 She experienced a sense of detachment before cutting herself , and the act seemed to relieve feelings of anxiety and tension which usually arose from problems in her relationship with her boyfriend .
6 As Louise moved away she experienced a powerful urge to grab the massager and tug it close to her secret places again but she did not dare .
7 Wandering around looking at the different displays , she experienced a strange sensation of being drawn towards something .
8 She experienced a lot of pain and perhaps always would ; her privations may have damaged her health permanently .
9 Each time she read the story , she experienced a new shock ; it was the shock of finding the new contained and expressed in the framework and the terms of the old .
10 As she sat there , she experienced a sense of what seemed to be preternatural power .
11 Yet Xanthe 's tidy existence felt mussed in Miranda 's company ; she experienced a sudden , vivid awareness of prohibitions hedging her about , and with the awareness , a desire to break them .
12 Looking at them , she experienced a curious sense of exclusion ; she wondered who the woman was ; she wondered how well Giles knew her .
13 Carol , aged 29 and a first-time mother , was induced just four days before her baby 's due date because she experienced a rise in her blood pressure .
14 Alice 's father , a naturalized British subject since 1852 , indulged his wanderlust during Alice 's first fifteen years , and thus she experienced a constant change of scene and sound , living in New Zealand , Mexico , the United States , and Europe , until the family settled in Tonbridge in 1874 .
15 With a good heavy hot iron , it would stop belling out here and there , she thought , and she experienced a flash of pleasure at the quickness and deftness of her work .
16 Now , standing beside Fernand in the mouth of a gash in the cliff , with the river raging beneath their feet and an ink-dark cavern ahead , she experienced a tingle of awe and anticipation that swept away the fear and the vertigo .
17 The sound system 's speakers were like upended steamer trunks , one on top of another ; standing so close , the volume gave her a sensation in her ears like that of tearing paper and she experienced a few moments of sensory overload before she recognised the tune as New York , New York .
18 Britain therefore experienced a credit squeeze in the early 1990s during a period of recession in much the same way — and for much the same reasons — that she experienced a credit boom during the period of growth and ‘ overheating ’ in the mid-1980s .
19 Now angry frustration replaced satisfaction , and she experienced a little spurt of apprehension amid the bleak realisation that he had n't been speaking out of generosity after all .
20 One fourteenth-century manuscript contains information about four : those of Catherine of Siena , the fourteenth-century Italian girl who became a Dominican tertiary and whose teaching based on mystical certainty of the reality of her union with Christ , with whom she experienced a spiritual visionary marriage , was given official Dominican patronage ; and three thirteenth-century Belgian mystics : Christina called Mirabilis from St Truden ; Elizabeth of Spalbeck , a Belgian recluse patronised by the Cistercians ; and the prototypical Beguine , Mary of Oignies , championed by Jacques de Vitry , the Bishop of Acres and later a Cardinal Legate at the court of Gregory IX who protected her and wrote her biography .
21 She experienced a strong feeling of déjà vu , as if she 'd seen him before , as if she knew him .
22 And to be his was what she wanted — which made it such a nonsense that when , as he caressed his hands over her naked behind and then pulled her to him , that as her body came into contact with the pure maleness of him , she experienced a moment of totally unexpected panic .
23 One woman described how she experienced an aggressive pattern : ‘ I found it very difficult to cope with women over me , especially if I thought that they were n't being fair — although I had no problems when dealing with men .
24 Her left elbow was still stiff since her injury in the air raid and she failed a medical for heavier work .
25 She flung a petrified look back at his mother .
26 ‘ And I suppose that with your superior knowledge you 've worked out that this — scene of devastation — ’ she flung a careless hand in the general direction of the office ‘ — is all down to me .
27 This evening , she decided , she would tell the man she met a thing or two .
28 In the naked fear of falling in a space so huge that she did not know whether she was falling up or down , inward or outward , she met a fear so great that it burned away forever all the other fears .
29 The villagers often joked that if she met a German tank on the road to Berkeley , she would order it off the road and pass on as if nothing had happened .
30 During her second year , she met a first-year medical student , and became quite involved with him .
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