Example sentences of "as on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What is inferred from it is based almost as much on guesswork as on evidence .
2 For example , as it is very time-consuming to produce a teaching unit , one approach would be only to accept an idea if it could produce a unit that ; ( i ) can be used by a wide range of teachers whose style of teaching varies a great deal ( ii ) can be of use to a wide age-range of pupils ( iii ) can be of use to a wide ability-range of pupils ( iv ) can encourage work on concepts as well as on content ( v ) may be of use in more than one subject discipline ( vi ) is suitable for demonstration mode with a large class ( vii ) is suitable for small groups or individuals to use ( viii ) can be used to produce further teaching materials ( ix ) can be used in teacher-training .
3 When marking essay-type questions , you should , where necessary , comment on style and presentation as well as on content .
4 Other women were drawn on to the paper , but as on It they were supposed to know their place .
5 She would make it up as she went along — like a story told to a child at bedtime ; like a clever lie that relies as much on the truth as on deception .
6 ‘ Long hair will be dressed , with soft chignons into the nape as well as on top .
7 Leading edge profiles have been improved with the use of stiff Dacron tape sleeves which primarily reinforce the sail but equally important , they offer a ‘ Tear Drop ’ entry to the aerofoil as on yacht sails or hang glider wings .
8 The Demon 's a bad mutha , although the time limit 's not as tight as on Intermission 3 .
9 ‘ He was the only one of the Carry On team who was funny off as well as on film .
10 Yes they are indeed , there going to have to compete on price as well as on service and value added .
11 In Parliament , as on constituency platforms , Conservative Ministers know they are constantly under scrutiny by some of the more outspoken of their colleagues for any signs of ‘ wetness ’ .
12 There is another way of approaching the question of the trilogy 's literary status , which has the further merit of concentrating attention on its prose style as well as on poetry .
13 if we can keep up with that kind of play — and — get those goals we will do OK. im still worried both with the back-five and the attackers — against better oppositon or away things — might — not look as good as on monday .
14 Data on social and biographical characteristics such as age , gender , ethnicity , education etc will be explored as well as on type of economic activity .
15 In most of the oceans , as on land , the ease of living and the distribution of life changes through time .
16 There is a long running case before the House of Lords concerning the River Derwent at present about whether rights of way can be established on waterways in the same way as on land .
17 As on land , new weapons developed prior to the war played an important part in future operations .
18 But , as on land , any sound can also elicit danger .
19 Visibility on the water was slightly better than it had been on land — there were no hummocks , and somehow night never seems quite so dark at sea as on land .
20 The 205 x 16 radial tyres ( as on Range Rover ) help in this respect .
21 A When using an ‘ every needle rib ’ set up ( same number of needles on main bed as on ribber ) then really , to be kind to your machine , a three-ply is about as thick as you should go .
22 The new Act will not lay down time specifications , but there is little doubt that the national testing procedures will act as a heavy constraint on time allocations made in schools , potentially to the detriment of optional/additional subjects as well as on foundation subjects which will not be the subject of national testing — the arts , religious education and physical education .
23 Indeed , although some physical geographers perceive hydrology to be a separate field of scientific enquiry and , for example , Progress in Physical Geography maintains progress reports on fluvial geomorphology as well as on hydrology , other physical geographers have advocated the notion of geographical hydrology .
24 For this strategy , founded as much on local politics as on economics , was ultimately based on investing considerable time and money in rescuing firms on the brink of collapse .
25 For instance , one could not say that the nervous system had simply slowed down , as on occasion the subjects could produce responses as quickly as they could when rested .
26 ( 1980 ) concluded that climatology must systematically investigate the exchanges of heat , water and momentum that occur at or near the earth 's surface and should focus upon topoclimatology as well as on transfer processes .
27 One solution would be to extend regulation to the press to ensure the same kind of impartiality as on television .
28 He seems just as charming in the flesh as on television .
29 Hounslow ( 1979 ) gave a method for staining these minerals , useful in the field as well as on drill cores , soil samples , slabs and sections .
30 It was being drawn in to Vietnam by the necessity of responding to developments there , in France , and in China , as well as on account of its own perceptions and its formulation of a general policy of containment .
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