Example sentences of "as give [art] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , Harp Lager who have been behind the new building all along , are to be congratulated on their commitment to Down Royal and also for making sure that the flagship of racing on the track , the Ulster Harp Derby , has been boosted financially as well as given a new look .
2 Once employers and educationalists take as given the need to look beyond themselves and their own internal interests , there will be the possibility of a braver and newer world , that is more humanitarian and more caring .
3 Within this chapter our concern is with those , both Marxist and non-Marxist , who have taken as given the particular direction in which technology has developed , and with those who , while accepting that it is possible and desirable to exercise some social control over technology , have taken the view that there is no fundamental conflict at the work-place and that the system of organisation there can be optimised in the light of a set of objectives to which they assume all would be able to agree .
4 But the relation of labourism to the working class was passive ; it accepted as given the position of the class and its organisations in an historically-evolved bourgeois society .
5 The cleft structure quite reasonably presents as given the assumption that the book is trying to depict something ( all books do ) .
6 Perhaps more fundamentally , we take as given the basic framework of political institutions .
7 His ‘ unconditional ’ release , by which it is understood he will be able to operate freely in politics , represents a risk for Mr de Klerk , since it is clear Mr Sisulu will have a capacity to generate mass political gatherings , as well as give a revitalised direction to anti-apartheid politics .
8 The new series ( title yet unknown ) will enable members to comment reflectively on their work as well as give an account of its various outcomes .
9 Lesbian and Gay-Men 's Sub-Committees were set up in such a way as to give a high level of representation to people from outside the council 's structure , and to ensure that their voices could be heard .
10 It is generally fitted with an additional diffuser such as a glass cloth scrim , and positioned so as to give a lighting intensity of about one half of that of the key light .
11 With wealth distributed so as to give a highly distinctive social structure , the Craven District was quite unlike any other part of England .
12 The items were selected so as to give a quick overview of performance in relation to a range of topics including number concepts , measures , spatial concepts , algebra , graphs and number patterns .
13 The issue which divides your Lordships is whether this House should now reinterpret the principles lying behind the authorities so as to give a right of recovery in such circumstances .
14 Complex statistical multivariate procedures can be used to correlate and group market research data so as to give a statistically accurate identification of : * the size of segment groups and their similarities ; * the differences between the various groupings of attribute sets ; * the relationship of these groups to important consumer , market or product/benefit requirements .
15 The courts have not gone so far as to give a cause of action in damages for the breach of such a promise , but they have refused to allow the party making it to act inconsistently with it .
16 Citizens ' Action and other environmental groups have been pressing for a broadening of the reporting requirements , so as to give a more accurate of pollution levels .
17 More significantly , the organisation was now free to manage itself so as to give a better service to patients .
18 Before passing on , I will introduce a piece of terminology of my own and call central-system thinking ‘ cognisance ’ , a term chosen so as to give the flavour of knowledge , rationality , and accessibility to consciousness .
19 For it was the general election of 1931 which so drastically altered the balance of parties in the House of Commons as to give the politics of the 1930s its special character .
20 A pair of wellington boots stood below a big black overcoat in such a way as to give the impression that a very tall man was standing against the wall , watchful and silent .
21 Their job was to hold on as long as they could against impossible odds , so as to give the rest of the army time to concentrate in a hammer-blow at the enemy centre .
22 The eminence referred to is not a striking local geographical feature , and the ‘ small Rivulet ’ is presumably the Fleet River , which was so often flash-flooded as to give the area towards Battle Bridge ( Kings Cross ) the name of ‘ Pancras Wash ’ .
23 Yanto laughed when he realised the old joker had palmed the sawdust and was allowing it to trickle in such a way as to give the impression that it was trickling from his ear .
24 The upper skin of the armadillo 's body has evolved into a hard horny covering that is hinged in such a way as to give the animals at least some degree of flexibility .
25 The schoolfellows had been appointed to the Racer together through the efforts of a family friend of the Rogerses , and they serve together for much of their time at sea , occasionally allotted to different ships so as to give the author freedom to range more widely in space and circumstance .
26 ‘ Where the prosecution intends to lead evidence of verbal admissions or confessions , the defence should always be alerted before the start of the case of such intention and the terms of the admissions/confessions so as to give the defence an opportunity to determine whether or not to challenge the admissibility of the evidence . ’
27 If the regulations are so framed as to give the directors an unfettered discretion the court will interfere with it only on proof of bad faith and since the directors will not be bound to disclose either their grounds or their reasons , the difficulty of discharging the onus of proof is especially great .
28 The poem is written so as to give the impression of fleeting thoughts , which take him even as he is in conversation with these men , Brad and John , in a bar .
29 In any notification case of this kind the local planning authority will be given an opportunity to decide whether , in their view , the proposal should be advertised so as to give the public a chance to comment , and also to discuss with the department ways in which the proposal might be amended to overcome any objections to the proposed development .
30 This is because , in the image of the world created by capitalism , the ability to supply capital is seen as enabling production to take place and as giving a wage to workers who would otherwise starve , while in fact it is really the capitalist who depends on the worker .
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